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headaches on halo?

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I started halos yesterday, today I have some pressure headaches. Is this normal?

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brain hemorage

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yes. try splitting up your dosage bro. halo is harsh.

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I am taking 3 of the 5 mg tabs 3 times a day, like every 8 or 9 hours. that's 45 mg a day. When will I start to get those great strenght rushes? it's day 3.

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what else are you taking?

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Just that. I am thinking of upping the dosage if I don't feel significantly different in 2 more days. Right now it's 45 mg/day, I am thinking of going to 60 mg/day. Since I am not taking anything with it, I believe I can handle a high dose. In the past I have had a 50 and Test Cyp and no sides other than zits. It didn't mess with my liver funciton either, I had tests done, the doc even commented that I knew what I was doing. So, how much halo is too much? I have pct clomid and some cyclofenil for afterwards, I plan to be on for 28 days.

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bro, you wont see the gains you are looking for with just halo. you need to stack it with something else, and test as a base. what are your goals?

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right now I am looking to pull 900 in the rack. I am just using halos as a nitrous shot to shoot me closer to that goal. Not looking to make a huge physique change. I am 5'8" and weigh around 185, 23 years old, been lifting since I was a young un. How much halo would make a very noticeable jump in 1RM power?

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im no expert but 20mg a day of halo for two weeks should work wonders. thats a pretty high dose IMO. any way if your just looking for strength stack the halo with test and tren base.

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wow then 45 mg should be a pretty amazing run for 28 days. What kinds of gains can I expect power wise? Would it add 100 pounds to my pull perhaps?

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hey BigKev, what is the most potent strength stack that you know of? I was told eq, halo, and fina. What is the exact cycle to use these in? I'll probably try something like that next year.

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45mg?? Homie you shouldnt need more than 30mg a most..anythng more is a waste!

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A long time ago Tazzy told me that some guys go to 80 mg or more, it all works. 40 mg is recommended for pl's.

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Well, the headaches are gone... does Halo require pct? I have it on hand just in case, however I read that it does not affect FSH production in the testes.

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Damn, I was going to do halo but keep hearing that its too harsh on the liver.

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