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Anybody had great results with equipoise?

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Wanted to see if anyone had some great results with equipoise and if they saw any major side effects.

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Ive used EQ at 800mg week withen my cycle and it has worked good. but ive never doen just an Eq cycle if thats what you are referring to.

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you have to do test with it to get the best out of it. but stacked with prop, its my favorite gear.

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Originally posted by Histo171 Wanted to see if anyone had some great results with equipoise and if they saw any major side effects. Almost everyone I know on AS use EQ and have great results. No unusual or major side effects (assuming proper anti-e's used) Add test as a base - you'll be ripped and happy. Jay

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**News Flash** EQ.....the NEW Deca... Its all the rave this year... long 20 weeks cycles are in.... Its hot babay...get in on it today!!!

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I love the pumps i get while on EQ. Its my favouritist

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i have favored EQ for years, nothing new about it, and its nothing like deca, not even close.

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Nothing about it that i liked... Zits like nothing else and no real drastic physical change just some strength.

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Originally posted by bringda40z Nothing about it that i liked... Zits like nothing else and no real drastic physical change just some strength. Zits off Eq? Do you get worse zits with deca(I would assume you would)? I've used Eq for nearly every cycle now since I first started liking it. I won't be using deca in my next. Eq does the job, I like it and no sides for me. IronMike

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anyone else experience tendon tears during eq cycles?

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Originally posted by IronMike Zits off Eq? Do you get worse zits with deca (I would assume you would)? I've used Eq for nearly every cycle now since I first started liking it. I won't be using deca in my next. Eq does the job, I like it and no sides for me. IronMike Zits worse then anything else and i have taken almost everything. Thank god i took it in the winter because i would have never taken off my shirt so forget about it as a summer cutter. I like deca better i responded better too it. I get zits on all gear post cycle except on Dbol while i take it i never have 1 on me its strange. But eq made my hair grow faster and darker too i could not belive how androgenic it was and how non anabolic it was for me...

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Originally posted by bringda40z Zits worse then anything else and i have taken almost everything. Thank god i took it in the winter because i would have never taken off my shirt so forget about it as a summer cutter. I like deca better i responded better too it. I get zits on all gear post cycle except on dbol while i take it i never have 1 on me its strange. But eq made my hair grow faster and darker too i could not belive how androgenic it was and how non anabolic it was for me... Dead set? Reliable source ie you sure it was not test? For the life of me, I have never known anyone to break out from Eq or suffer andro sides, but anything IS possible (I know people who have suffered worse sides on winnie than test, so...). Interesting though. Did you get water retention as well? IronMike PS - I do notice my hair and nails grow faster on Eq

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Originally posted by IronMike Dead set? Reliable source ie you sure it was not test? For the life of me, I have never known anyone to break out from Eq or suffer andro sides, but anything IS possible (I know people who have suffered worse sides on winnie than test, so...). Interesting though. Did you get water retention as well? IronMike PS - I do notice my hair and nails grow faster on Eq Well I threw in the whole maybe i got a bad batch thing because i got it from the slanty eyed man about a year ago so who knows.

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I am using EQ from slant eyed man, but I don't get the same results from u...(um, I am slanty-eyed too, haha)

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BigKev, would you say deca is much more weaker then EQ?

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