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ECA Stacks??

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Does anyone have experience with ECA stacks and how great were the results were compared to other cutting regimens and what type of diet the stuck to during. Also total fat lost and period of time on the stack.

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 59

I run ECA . Usually for me I run when Im off cycle. I just eat a clean diet and do cardio. Its no miracle drug, it just helps keep the fat off when trying to stay lean. Also it doesn't kill my appetite like some other fat burners out there. I will usually run it for stretches of two weeks Monday through Friday weekends off. I will also use albuterol during pct for the anti-catabolic effects. Seems to work and keep me lean, with quality muscle gains.

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that sheds his
blood with me, Shall be my brother"

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Eca is great. If you eat clean and are doing your Cardin it helps. But as stated above, it is like the cherry on top of a good solid eating and training schedule. I usually do 300mg of caffine, 25 mg eph, half a baby asprin, and l carnitine and alittle arginine. I love the feel.

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 59
Posted by: atomic247
Eca is great. If you eat clean and are doing your Cardin it helps. But as stated above, it is like the cherry on top of a good solid eating and training schedule. I usually do 300mg of caffine, 25 mg eph, half a baby asprin, and l carnitine and alittle arginine. I love the feel.

Yep good advice on the aspirin. I usually use a whole aspirin, but I am not a believer in the high dose aspirin theory. It works just fine for me with just one baby aspirin, and the baby stuff is much easier on the stomach.

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that sheds his
blood with me, Shall be my brother"

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