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Joined: Sep 6, 2022
Last seen: Jun 20, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 101
RE: Orange D-Bol..Real or Fake?

different batches different results.. some guys love them..

1 month ago
RE: Loose skin

How long has it been? Over time lots of that will tighten up naturally..

2 months ago
RE: 3 Cycle

no.. sust & eq should end together.. they both take about 3 weeks to clear the system.. start pct 3 weeks after last shot..

2 months ago
RE: 3 Cycle

just hit the sus every 3rd day... that'll last 12 weeks..

2 months ago
RE: femara

Originally posted by Luto ironman_845 i find that a small dose of dbol for a few days usually brings the interest back :D Yep.. works well for me too....

6 months ago
RE: femara

Originally posted by BigKev the lowered libido is off set by running test with it, so thats not a problem. femara is the best IMO. wish that was the c...

6 months ago
RE: Which cycle should I choose

Originally posted by slickrick second one. why eq and deca. im no expert, but i thought you didnt run those 2 together. wrong forum to vincent.:D here...

6 months ago
RE: Which cycle should I choose

#4 1.) Deca 400mg/wk (1-12) 2.) Test 500mg/wk (1-12) 3.) EQ 400mg/wk (1-12) 4.) TREN 76mg/eod (1-12)

6 months ago
RE: 1st Cycle

Originally posted by Mr. Testosterone Sustanon - 500 mg/week (Weeks 1-8 or 10) Deca - 400 mg/week (Weeks 1-12) Dbol - 30 mg/day (Weeks 1-4) Make sure ...

6 months ago
RE: Probable cycle

classic 1st cycle test 500mg/wk, eq 400mg week 12 weeks.. t3 at low doses 25-50mcg/ed can improve nutrient uptake and can be anabolic if diet is good....

6 months ago
RE: HCG midcycle

I've had good results doing 2000 iu every 3rd day for 3 injections then 2 more very 7th day.. guys that have done 500iu ed for 14 days have reported g...

6 months ago
RE: First Cycle

takes sust 3 weeks to clear your system.. pct should start 3 weeks after last injection of sust.. run pct for at least 3 weeks.. 300mg day 1, 100mg da...

6 months ago
RE: First Cycle

Originally posted by Feli Fly Steroids don't rip you up or anything, diet is #1. sorry to disagree but steroids do increase fat loss.. even in non ath...

6 months ago
RE: low dose cycle

bump the big guy.. eq @ 200mg/wk doesn't do anything imo..

7 months ago
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