Eminent Member
Joined: Aug 30, 2022
Last seen: Feb 28, 2024
Topics: 2 / Replies: 38
RE: Good Diet/Training Computer Programs?? this is the website for the company that makes crosstrainer.. theres' actually a crosstrainer 5 now.. no idea on cross trainer...

5 months ago
RE: Good Diet/Training Computer Programs??

only one i have used is Crosstrainer II i liked it... U can download a 30 day trial, and it works forever if u change the clock setting.. or i guess e...

5 months ago
RE: Question on Christianity

This has to be a record.. we got over 40 posts on this thread in under 2 hours.. nice job BIGKEV!!!

5 months ago
RE: Question on Christianity

Didnt mention any dogs either. (i stand corrected, just the read the big post above, it did)

6 months ago
RE: .. I've gotta vent before I explode ..

Originally posted by MTV-bro ok you already vented, you can explose in peace now. FART FART let it all out, these are the things u cant live without C...

6 months ago
RE: For all the guys posting the fighting threads

TIME to find a better club to chill at man... fuck those ghetto-suburb-hick bars n such.. man.. they arent bad, but for the most part thats where the ...

6 months ago
RE: Had to fire this dumbass gringo

I'm all for passing Legislature that will change the name of all TACO BELLS to AMERICAN BELLS.. taco's will be renamed FREEDOM MEAL and Julipo's if th...

8 months ago
RE: how do you stay focused?

Very good question bro... I have had the same tendency just a year ago.. where my goal is one thing, everything else drops to second... worst being if...

1 year ago
RE: Ya know what I friggin hate!!!

Originally posted by vukcevic118 yeah, i know exactly what you mean. The other day this kid that I know found out somehow that I was juicin, he starts...

1 year ago
RE: how long does a protien shake stay good for? (homemade not prebottled)

I think Bacteria lowes Protein.. and the longer u have protein in water, so it turns into a liquid they like to infest on that shit.. thats why its no...

1 year ago
RE: anadrol is no joke !

* ** * * ** *YuMMy * * *YummY ** * YuMmY * * i got * * * Anadrol in MY * *TuMMy, and It * * * TaStEs So GoOD tO mE Yummy YummY YummY i got A-bombs in ...

1 year ago
RE: opinions on my diet plan

I wish i could sleep 13 hours without waking up cause i get so damn hungry.. 8 is my max, i'll wake up after 8 and i'll have to eat cereal or somethin...

1 year ago
RE: Anyone here used Carao?

is morning wood a good indication everything is back to normal? LOL I finished a 5-month long Test Prop cycle about a month ago... and my sex drive wa...

1 year ago
RE: CYP question

yup around 4 weeks....ahhh how great it is, when it hits ahhhhh ****memories*** memories**** memories**** LOL.. its one of those things thats worth th...

1 year ago
RE: AS healing capabilities?

I've read Articles that in other countries that they give "steroids" to patients after plastic surgery such as nose jobs etc, where the bone is broken...

1 year ago
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