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10/29 Workout, PR

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Conventional Deadlifts: 135 2x1 225 2x1 315 2x1 405 1x1 460 1x1 *5lb PR* 405 1x1 Hamstring curls: 3x10 Hypers: 1x40 Seated low rows with t-bar: 3x10 Reverse hypers: 3x5 *Next week I'm going for 475x1 and then onto 500!* Body weight is around 205, going to start doing cardio and clean up my diet and see if I can get a six-pack, lol Dave

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Bodybuilding pussy! hahaha, just kidding, bro, making a good comeback, great PR.

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One thing though....why does everyone here take so few work sets on their ME exercise? You've only done 6 hear, and I see Erm doing the same thing. I try and get 8-10 sets, even if that means I take tiny little jumps and/or take a couple down sets. Do you normally do stuff like this?

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If the goal of working the ME movement is to make a PR attempt, why make such small jumps? I do take more than Dave did, but my goal for warming up is to get warm and make an attempt at a PR, my assistence work is for reps and weakness work. Then again...I could be wrong too. Erm

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I haven't been doing allot of sets because I am just comeing back to the game. I am going to start increasing the # of sets I do over the next couple of weeks, and start doing more down sets. Eman, have tried doing ME work with more sets and reps? Dave

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Cool, I hear ya.

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I agree with Freddy... Jim Wendler wrote an article on this about 4 months ago, right when I was struggling with PR's. I would do the same as you guys, making 90lb jumps up to a PR attempt. My training was really stalling. Wendler's article advocates 10% maximum jumps, so that you get in enough work sets. The goal is not simply a PR that day, but you must think ahead as in, how is this helping next month's workouts. If you get the PR today, but nowhere near enough work in, you are sabotaging your next couple weeks. According to Wendler, he sees many WSB followers who do this. His remedy, the 10% jumps, really brings up your work capacity, gets you your 3 lifts in 90% and above, and actually makes it easier to get PR's, because the weight feels lighter when you make 30lbs jumps, rather than 90lb jumps. Example, your previous deadlift max is 455, you make roughly 40lb jumps each warm up set, then get in 3 lifts at or above 90%. 145x3 185x3 225x3 265x2 305x1 345x1 385x1 410x1 (90% of 455) 435x1 (95% of 455) 460x1 PR If this tires you out, it's because you're out of shape. You're not used to the work. I highly recommend this, it put 40lbs on my stalled goodmornings in about a month. Bob

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Thanks Doc! Erm
