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Lifting Belts

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I need some help in finding A good lifting belt. I am a big guy so I need a big belt, I can not get one at the local sporting goods store as they are not large enough I have a 46" waist and about 50" across the middle, ( i also have a 59" chest so I am not shaped completly like a pear) Any help or sources for this will be great BM

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i dunno where u can get a belt but HOLY SHIT thats a BIG mofo

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Hey I know, I played ball in college and a little beyond. now I am 32 and no longer need to look like and offensive lineman. So I have got to get back into the gym, but I need a damn belt because i have had 3 hernias over the years and do not want another one

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I have one of theirs.......good quality and a very good price for the belt. I know they have an xxlarge but you should call to see how big it really is. good luck....

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i'll have to look around and see you will prob want a powerlifting belt---i think they are best for heavy lifts in squats/deads FLEX

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Yes I do want a powerlifting belt. Thanks flex

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Posts: 9 but they make a true powerlifting belt----i will get barbender to post a place FLEX

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butt just to clear things up a lil bit i wasnt bustin on u at all..... but my boy who i seem to think looks pretty big sized is a 40 inch chest...... so when i saw 59 i was like damn that must be huge...... wasnt even talkin bout the waist or other measurements... just wanted to clear that up bro. goodluck with your search

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Hey bytesLo, no offense taken. I know that I am big but there are so many guys out there that make me look small. Just in the football world. About me being 59" I can remember back in 1986 or 87 when I was competing in power lifting , I was at a meet in which Anthony Clark was also lifitng. It was some Budwiser meet. anyways. He was competing at the SHW level and I was at the 242 level so thankfully I did not have to compete against him. But my training partner did compete against him and was good friends with Anthony. So the story goes on.... I remember before he lifted him getting his bench shirt on and it took 6 guys to help him. I was told then the he had an 84" CHEST which is huge. and i belive it was close to that. he could not even walk in the door straight away he had to walk in sideways. So that is my story, just though I would share it. Oh something else. You should have seen the look on people's faces when Clark and about 5 others went out to eat after the meet. 6 bigs guys walking in. We cleaned the place out. BM

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lol thats my goal.... to have to turn sideways to get in a door 🙂 now THATS when u can say ya big lol

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Call Inzer Advanced Designs, 800-222-6897, "The best powerlifting belts in the world". I like the leverlock- no more wrestling with that last notch to get it tight.

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Inzer fucking rocks!!! The best belts, knee wraps and body suits in the world. Buy the belt and it will be the last one you'll ever need to buy. Plus, they are awesome on the phone and their shipping is fast.

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Check out Dave Tate and Lou Simmons use his belts. Ermantroudt

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i heard that using belts actually diminishes your strength, because it allows your other muscles to get stronger while your lower back does not. i dont know shit about it, but that's just what ive read from a few different places. anyone else heard of this?

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84 inch chest? yeah that is fucking huge! Belts... you have a new/used sporting goods store, Play It Again or some shop like that?

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