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girlfriend needs help

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My girlfiend is 5'2" or 5' 3" 155 lbs. She started her first cycle, meant to be a cutting cycle but she can't stand the clen. She is currently taking 5 mg of Anavar a day, midway through week 3. She is taking bodypump classes at the gym 5 days a week. She has not lost anyweight yet and the feels bigger, bloated and unattractive. any advice or words of encouragement would be great. I'd hate to see her get fusrated and discouraged.

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By week 3 she should be seeing some hardening and strength increase. It's a safe, conservative dose she is on and if she hasn't seen any adverse sides, then she could increase to 10mg/day. But, make sure she is assessing herself visually by looking in the mirror for changes to her shape, not by relying on the scale. What's her diet like? That might need fine tuning. The bodypump program should be helping her build lean muscle mass as will the var. Encourage her to stick with it and point out the positive changes. Good Luck ~> Misty

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wow, I wouldnt be giving anyone clen at her BF%...thats scary dangerous..... More then anything I would be concerned about her diet. Alot of ppl do not understand that healthy living and exercise is not a short term investment....but a lifelong goal...(damn that sounds like someone selling insurance would say..theres no way I thought that up myself, must have heard it somewhere) Post her diet.

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Wait this is the womens forum..oops didnt notice...excuse me if I stepped out of line ladies. I just post off the home page usually...

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she sounds like she is offense just being honest. what i mean is she is a novice and needs to get the basics in line before she fucks around with clen and var. are you keeping track of her calories??? if not start there before you do anything else. WRITE IT DOWN. i know too many girls that think they're aren't eating much and end up averaging over 2000cal a day and that is no good.

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Are you 100% sure that what you have is anavar? Also, check out You can input her daily diet there and it will calculate all the cals, carbs, proteins, fats, etc.

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Thank you all for advice, I will have her read this when she comes home from work. She is a bartender by night and a real estate agent by day, very hectic schedule, hard to eat right. Could someone please help with a sample diet.

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well bro, at that height and weight i think she needs more than clen. hows her diet? any sweets? not trying to be mean, but thats kinda heavy for a woman that short, unless she is a power lifter.

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I'm a short female (5' 3") I weigh about 120 when I'm not dieting hard but am happiest at about 115-117. Depending on her goals, she may just need to do a lot of cardio for a while. Spinning classes are awesome and burn tons of calories. I like doing my cardio in the morning. It seems to make my day better. Def. have her keep track of her food in a journal. She needs at least 5-6 meals a day. I work on my feet and have an unpredictable schedule so I always take protein bars to work with me. I tried clen. and hated it. Didn't do shit for me and I got an awful headache the whole time I was on it.
