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Second Cycle??

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hey whats up i was going to start my second cycle around febuary. so im going to start thing of things to do now. my first cycle consisted of D-bol for the first 4 weeks, and 500mg of test E and 400mg of deca. my stats are im 20 years old will be 21 in feb. im 511, 200 pounds, 15% body fat as of now, will be cutting soon so ill be down a lot. i was thinking of running sust 250 and deca, and Anadrol. so if someone could point me towards a nice mg range that would be really helpfull. thanks

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Posted by: Division4thor
hey whats up i was going to start my second cycle around febuary. so im going to start thing of things to do now. my first cycle consisted of d-bol for the first 4 weeks, and 500mg of test E and 400mg of deca. my stats are im 20 years old will be 21 in feb. im 511, 200 pounds, 15% body fat as of now, will be cutting soon so ill be down a lot. i was thinking of running sust 250 and deca, and anadrol. so if someone could point me towards a nice mg range that would be really helpfull. thanks

drols are alittle harsh for a second cycle, I would not reconmend it. doses are usually around 50-150mgs ED, in your case since its your 2nd try 50mgs ED, you shoulda waited few more years before using gear.if your sensitive to gyno, stay away from drols

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yeah thats what i was going to do with the anadrol just 50-100ed. but thats not what im wondering about. i dont no how to dose the test and deca. my first cycle was 500mg test e and 400mg of deca. so i dont no what to do for my second cycle.

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Posted by: Division4thor
yeah thats what i was going to do with the anadrol just 50-100ed. but thats not what im wondering about. i dont no how to dose the test and deca. my first cycle was 500mg test e and 400mg of deca. so i dont no what to do for my second cycle.

why not just keep it the same, were you not happy with the cycle?

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I wouldnt run drol for your second cycle. Its very harsh and not for newbs imho. How were your results for your first cycle???

Are you planning on cutting while on this cycle? You may want to run EQ in place of the deca with this cycle b/c it would help with doing cardio which is a must when dieting down. Also, your diet is going to be the determining factor in cutting.

Do you prefer fewer shots? If thats the case you could run a test cyp or test enth and EQ cycle and even through in some t-bol since the androgenic effect from the t-bol would help in holding some more muscle. If you dont mind the shots, run the sust b/c to keep levels stable you need to run EOD since it has a prop ester.

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i had really good results with my first cycle. i started at 180-185 and got up to 205-210 and after pct im at 200 so i lost like 5 pounds and kept all my size. i really dont mind the shots. if i was going to fun the sust i was going to run it 3 times a week, so yeah probly eod. im going to be cutting really soon bc im getting a diet from my gym owner, and im useing clen. so by the time i go back on ill be where i want to be. so im just going to mass gain again. i just thought after every cycle you have to bump up the mgs to get some what close to the gains you got b4.

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remember that deca works best when the body has high cals to work with, also i would stay with similiar doses maybe switch to a different compound like eq or something

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allright well i just read all about eq... what would be better to just get bigger, mass gain? deca or the eq? i might use the eq bc i dont really want to get that much bigger bc of stretch marks. but idk

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allright nice. yeah i wont run the anadrol. ill probly get tbol, bc dbol gave me gyno, but not bad at all. would it be ohkay to run like 600mg of test and 500mg of eq? bc they say eq is best run from 400-600... 600 being the best.
