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How many times a week does everyone get laid?

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I also forgot to mention a cool girlfriend with the sex drive of a man.

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And oh yeah, Florida. Not a prostibule, but damn close.

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however many times a person gets laid, its never enough!

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interestng statement. After sex, our bodies go into a refractory period in which we can't go on physically (at least for a little while) yet we tell ourselves that we want more. This is more about joy than pleasure. Joy sustains us long term when pleasure fails us.

And we'll collect the moments one by one. I guess that's how the future's done. Feist, "Mushaboom", 2005

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Average about 3-6 times a week. It's all weekend stuff though. During the week we don't have time and honestly I would rather spend the hour we have before bed talking about how our respective day went. That's not because of clomid either. Sometimes during the week I might get 1 or 2 depending on her hormonal levels and how busy we are but it's also a destressing session rather than enjoying each other's bodies. If I need it bad and she's not in the mood she will accomodate my need. I love when she strips for me and I just take care of it myself.

Masterbation...If I'm on cycle I'll whack it right up until either bed or it hurts and then maybe get one more. Non-cycle maybe 2 times a day.

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hmm, this sounds a little like rationalization. Although the question here was not the "right number" since we are all different in that respect. I would hate to see a simple question like, "how many times a week do you get laid" (although i will admit belatedly that i put some value judgements into the poll ) into " how many times a week should you get laid." I can certainly see a situation where one member of the couple might want more sex than actually happens but the strength of the relationship is sufficient to continue to bind them together in a way meaningful and valuable for both. Of course the reverse of that is also true and sex has brought about the ruin of many good relationships.


Posted by: headdoc
The right number is probably whatever a couple establishes as comfortable. The quality of the relationship has as much to do with desire as hormones. Many happy couples will say that they have a great sexlife and still desire more but don't have the time or energy. This is about their feelings and attraction to one another, not the quantity of sex.

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Well, just got back from a great weekend away and ruined my own average!


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Well, seeing as I'm single (been single for about 6 years now), I usually only get it when I chat up some chick in a club. Sometimes that'll happen twice a week, sometime only once every 4 weeks or so. So I'd say the average is about once every 3 weeks.

Masturbating: Hmm - normally it's a HIGH number - when I'm on juice it's absolutely ridiculous! At least 10 times a day

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i cheat, i have a wife that is a wonderful woman and never says no to me.

now if i was single, no way in hell would i get it every day.

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Posted by: ontime34
I have been going out with my girlfriend for 2 and a half years and still havent gotton laid yet. She is a 26 year old virgin and i am her first real boyfriend. She wants to "wait till she gets married and is afraid of getting pregnant". So all told I havent gotton laid since Feb 2001 Blowjobs are nice and all but that stuff gets old after awhile.

I have to hand it to you bro, i woulds never be with anybody that long if she wasn't willing to have sex with me after all that time. And i would deff. never marry anyone without haveing sex with her first. what if your not compatable in bed?

ok back to the post. been pretty steady at about 5x a week for me.

Treat me good and I'll treat you better...Treat me bad and I'll treat you worse!

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C'mon folks, lets vote! I know there are more than 18 of you out there!


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Whats sex?

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death.
Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor
Player that struts and frets his hour Upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and
fury, signifying nothing.

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JB- Not bad for an old man!!!

Actually, I saw a study somewhere and the said the average for a married couple was between 1-2 times per week and it went WAY down after 45 or so.

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Posted by: JGUNS
JB- Not bad for an old man!!!

Actually, I saw a study somewhere and the said the average for a married couple was between 1-2 times per week and it went WAY down after 45 or so.

Did the study try and assign reasons for the 1-2 times a week? Was it because of work or outside commitments rather than sex drive? I could see a combination of both. We are not like the rest of population, consequently we probably have higher levels of Testosterone as well as being able to juggle commitments better. It's hard to find time for the gym but we do, so we can probably find time for sex also.

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I have a different theory. After marriage, a of of folks tend to get fat and sloppy, do not take care of themselves, self esteem goes down, and frankly ,once married the same motivations for sex sometimes no longer apply. Bodybuilders in general have a much higher self image, as well as lots of test floating around. My wife who is not into steroids still works out 4 times a week, does daily cardio, and enjoys a healthy sex life as well.

Its all about looking better, feeling better, BEING BETTER!


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