how to stop craving
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how to stop craving

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i know my diet is holding me back from the results i should b gettin, but soon as i diet i start to crave so much shit what do u guys do for craving, could also b from me jus gettin a nasal surgery dont couple of months back and my taste returned and everything taste better than it has in a couple of years, any advice?

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I tried nicotine gum in the evenings when it is the worst for me with success.


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Posted by: jboldman
I tried nicotine gum in the evenings when it is the worst for me with success.


Interesting JB!!! Im going to have to give that one a try too..

for what its worth blackpoppapump I remember reading something long ago by bill phillips (owner of eas) something along the lines of when were craving sweets were actually craving protien (sounds nice dont it?) I dont remember his reasoning for saying that but his explination was very simple, eat a portion of protien, like a handfull of nuts, a protien shake, or what have you. Wait about 20 minutes and your craving should be gone....
Believe it or not this usually does the trick for me.

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To get the nico gum cheap check out ebay, that's where i got mine for a fraction o fthe price.


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the gum is probably good advice. When my cravings get real bad or I get hungry and can't eat, I chew tobacco and it curbs the sensation.

I definately DO NOT RECCOMEND tobacco.

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Not sure if its legit quite yet, but hoodia has been shown to increase seratonin levels in the brain, and consaquintly, less cravings. Alot of the big diet pills are using it now. Trim Spa... NX cares, Lean XP ect....

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It has been used by the indigenous SAN bushmen for thousands of years as an all natural appetite suppressant. Botanists agree that the plant evolved the appetite suppressing capability as a defense mechanism. For a slow growing plant in a desert region, animals choosing to eat the plant would quickly have a feeling of fullness, and stop eating the plant.

The SAN bushmen report that besides being an effective appetite suppressant, it also enhances mood and provides extra energy. The South African research agency CSIR has located the active appetite suppressant chemical in the plant, and is working with pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer to turn the research into a patented drug. But you don't have to wait. The SAN bushmen have been using the plant in it's natural form for thousands of years, without fancy research or patents. We provide you with the actual plant, just dried and finely ground, with no other ingredients.

What does Hoodia do?
Hoodia is an Appetite Suppressant. Scientists at CSIR and Phytofarm, researching the plant to find ways to patent it and its applications, have identified a chemical compound which they've called P57 which acts on the glucose receptors in the brain to fool the brain into thinking it is full. P57 apparently is 10,000 times stronger in it's interaction with the glucose receptors than glucose itself, so small amounts of Hoodia can make the brain think that you've eaten satisfactory amounts food. Hoodia doesn't work on your stomach to reduce your hunger, it works on your brain.

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I read a study the military did on POWs and the hunger they get from not being fed properly. They found out that nicotine curbs hunger pains. I guess the "healthest" way would be the gum or patch. The gum would be better due to the chewing satisfaction you get.

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Posted by: bosshog
Interesting JB!!! Im going to have to give that one a try too..

for what its worth blackpoppapump I remember reading something long ago by bill phillips (owner of eas) something along the lines of when were craving sweets were actually craving protien (sounds nice dont it?) I dont remember his reasoning for saying that but his explination was very simple, eat a portion of protien, like a handfull of nuts, a protien shake, or what have you. Wait about 20 minutes and your craving should be gone....
Believe it or not this usually does the trick for me.

I heard the same thing and found it works well. Also, cravings at night are sometimes actually from being thirsty. I have no idea why but for night time cravings a glass of water usually does the trick.

For what it's worth, I haven't found hoodia to be all that effective.

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I take a product called Subdue.

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how about considering those cravings to be "withdrawal" from the junk. especially if the junk you were eating/are craving is refined carbs. refined carbs have, among other things, a similar biochemical response in the brain as most drugs (alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, etc). if you were, for example, trying to quit smoking, you'd go through withdrawals. i'm sure there are many herbs and vitamin/mineral supplements that could aid you in curbing these cravings, but perhaps the best/cheapest/simplest approach would be to increase your omega-3 intake. every meal of the day, take at least 5 grams of fish oil. you could also add olive oil to most meals, or try to eat whole eggs if you currently eat mostly egg whites (increasing monounsaturated fats in the diet will not increase bf, but will satiate hunger/cravings).
