Sleep makes a HUGE ...
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Sleep makes a HUGE difference in my gains how about yours?

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Guys I've got mydiet down, I've got my training pretty much down, my supplementation is down (heehee) but one thing I haven't concentrated on enough is sleep. I've just realized that my appetite has been zig zagging. Well sleep is the culprit for me. I find that I need to go to bad by 10:00 pm at the latest to wake up the next morning and feel refreshed and ready to eat. Also I find that sleeping in kills me!!!!! I feel so much better when I get to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6am. It's hard but I think my body just needs 8+ hours of sleep a night. How much sleep do you guys get?????

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I usually get 8 hours, but i take naps as often as possible. I get tired alot and take short naps and wake up feeling shittier most of the time. I'm not sure if naps are anygood as far as gains, because if you sleep for a couple of hours, you dont get into a deep sleep, like you would at night time. Does anyone know if naps are any good as far as growing/gaining is concerned? I always thought you had to be in a deep sleep to grow.

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Good question. If I take a nap, I wake up with the shits or even more tired.

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i get a good 8 hours every night. if i fing myself restless i'll take a couple melitonin and im out. i have a cal/mag vitmain that knocks me out too:D

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Originally posted by Rockice I feel so much better when I get to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6am. It's hard but I think my body just needs 8+ hours of sleep a night. How much sleep do you guys get????? Can you spell RECOVERY?

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naps are good to take, but i prefer bio's better, lol

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If I sleep in I cant eat properly either. And I hate taking naps!!!!!! I always feel like shit and more tired after, pisses me off! So tired that I cant help falling asleep sometimes =(

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Yes and we know why you sleep so well dont we Step????

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Sleeping in Fucks up my eating too. Good post rest I think is the most overlooked aspect of this game.

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1st---calories 2nd--rest people don't under stand how important rest is for recouperation and i think i included that in my beginners cycles in the article section FLEX

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Shit I'm lucky to get 6 hours a nite. One 5 year old boy, one on the way, full time job at 60 hours a week, a business on the side, and a wife that needs constant attention(7 months prego). Lucky to be in bed at 11:30 p.m. and I wake up at 5:30 a.m. for work. Just have to deal with it-especially if I check out the boards like tonite.

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everyones sleep requirements are different I suppose. if I dont get at least 10 hours im lookin to drop bows 😀

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I've always been a bit of an insomniac...and a light sleeper to the 5/6 hours of sleep I'd get were always interrupted by waking up 3/4 times a night....since iv'e been on this cycle...I noticed that when I sleep I sleep like a dead person....nothing wakes me up....not even my alarm..... I do try to take a little nap around 3pm.....takes me a while to wake up from that...but once I do I feel a lot better.... kinda wired form the adipo tonight though..... *smile* Cutie

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its 4 in the morning and im on the boardlol i just took a pm medicine to help me sleep ive been doin that alot scine ive been on ill sleep till noon tomorrow shitty bein an insomniac weed helps though

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