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Grocery List

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Can someone post a bulking cycle grocery list for about a 4,000 cal diet. What are some cost sutting bulking foods as well.....i have a family of 5. -lightweight

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Tuna Inside or outside round steak (good and cheap) eggs oatmeal peanuts (always good to snack on) 2% milk cottage cheese potatoes ground beef instant rice chicken Well theres a start hope it helps:)

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Originally posted by here2learn Tuna Inside or outside round steak (good and cheap) eggs oatmeal peanuts (always good to snack on) 2% milk cottage cheese potatoes ground beef instant rice chicken Well theres a start hope it helps:) Although some people may have ill feelings toward another member ... they should sometimes use some tact and discretion and not openly post rude comments ... its just not necessary. Skip

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damn....... bad blood here???? :flame:

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Originally posted by Skip Although some people may have ill feelings toward another member ... they should sometimes use some tact and discretion and not openly post rude comments ... its just not necessary. Skip Or maybe as a mod, you should have known that he was banned a couple years ago for going out of his way to cause trouble here for a decent length of time under several handles and then proceeded to basically 'stalk' vets of the board via email for weeks after his banning. I reported the thread to the mods so I would have thought it would have been looked into. Bad blood? You're damn right. It's your board so if you want him here, that is your business. I figured that no one had noticed him being here. He IS an ass. Just ask your other mods. Skip

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Im new to this board, I think you might have me confused with someone else?

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BUMP for the original topic please

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Originally posted by here2learn Im new to this board, I think you might have me confused with someone else? Bullshit. Your handle is exactly the same - the number 2 and everything. It must be a game with you. If you are coming back and have been taking your meds at the designated times during the day, go for it. It won't be long until your attitude slips into shitsville again, though. You can't polish a turd. There probably aren't many of us left that remember you but I do. Skip

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Im telling the truth, Im nineteen, Im new to everything here and have just been hanging around the boards to get good clean advice from the knowledgeable guys here.

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Man i hope this isnt how all the newbies are treated around here!!!!

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Originally posted by sonofzeus Man i hope this isnt how all the newbies are treated around here!!!! If you read the entire thread, you will understand a bit more. The fact that you are a newbie is the reason that you don't fully understand the situation. Skip

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Originally posted by here2learn Im telling the truth, Im nineteen, Im new to everything here and have just been hanging around the boards to get good clean advice from the knowledgeable guys here. Post in the main forum and see if you don't get flamed by guys who might remember the handle. No one has noticed you here, yet, because you haven't posted to the main forum. Skip

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Skip you really do have me confused with someone else.... Sorry but its not me I found this board through a search engine less than a month ago when I was looking for information. The name? Im sure that this name has been used by many people.
