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Joined: Sep 25, 2022
Last seen: Jan 31, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 66
RE: bulking, primo or deca?

Deca is better for bulking primo will yield better and more lean muscle. But its expensive, often faked, and you need a lot of it to get good results....

6 months ago
RE: re:thinning out/Deca

Get the winny in oral or tablet form... also anavar is great if you can afford it.

8 months ago
RE: re:thinning out/Deca

If your trying to thin out why dont you just do a cycle for that? But as far as getting deca dick from that dose, some people prob could if they are p...

8 months ago
RE: Test suspension(again)

Wait and get more test then do it right at 150mg a day. Also instead of Dbol at the end of the cycle you should run 50mg/day winny. Or ditch the Anadr...

8 months ago
RE: Test suspension(again)

ED will prob still yield the best results

8 months ago
RE: Which do you prefer for a bulking cycle: Deca or Eq

get some propecia or rogaine and some other hair restoration products and take them while on the cycle and afterwards to try and minimize the amount o...

8 months ago
RE: Which do you prefer for a bulking cycle: Deca or Eq

Well if your bulking you should prob be running a higher dose of Test to start with. As far as the choice between Deca and EQ most people say Deca yie...

8 months ago
RE: NO2/hemodialator and neg side effects

All i have heard about that product is bad things i would ditch it. Just stick with creatine, protein, glutamine, flax oil, and multi vit

8 months ago
RE: Kalpa gear

if you used a half cc of it or 100mg in other words it would last you 20 days because you need to shoot prop ED for best results.

10 months ago
RE: mixing gear

Mix ups like that are what can get you hurt and also add to the already bad reputation that gear has. Not flaming you bro, but you really should do so...

1 year ago
RE: mixing gear

Mix ups like that are what can get you hurt and also add to the already bad reputation that gear has. Not flaming you bro, but you really should do so...

1 year ago
RE: mixing gear

IM means you shoot the juice into the muscle not into the bloodstream. Injecting gear into the bloodstream is a bad thing you don't want to do that. A...

1 year ago
RE: mixing gear

Someone missed the search button. That could be dangerous.

1 year ago
1 year ago
RE: pro hormones during test enanthate cycle

just find someone who isn't familiar with the stuff or auction it off on ebay or something.

1 year ago
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