Test suspension(aga...
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Test suspension(again)

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I have some test Suspension that is dissolved in oil and not water. Do I still have to inject everyday. or is EOD good enough? thanks

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ED will prob still yield the best results

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Yeah I figured that. It's just that injecting EOD @ 150mg',s I could've had enough for about 14 weeks, but if I go ED I only have enough for 7 weeks@ 150mg's ED. I was thinking: Anadrol 150mg's/day weeks 1-5 Test Suspension 150mg's ED or EOD weeks 1-7or 1-14 D-bol 30-50mg's/day weeks 7-12ish Tren 80mg's EOD 14 weeks I would've liked to run the test suspension the whole time along with the tren, but if I have to go ED on the Susp. It'll only be 7 weeks. bummer:flame:

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suspensions half life is only a matter of hours bro. it needs to be injected ED. get more test.

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that sounds like a lot of gear to be taking at once. what have your previous cycles looked like?

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Why don't you just shoot 75mg/ed? If you were going to do 150mg/eod, this would lead to similar gains. 150mg/ed would be twice as strong.

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I know that test suspension is usually dissolved in water thus it needs to be taken ED, but the stuff I got is dissolved in oil, so I was hoping EOD would be alright. I'm not able to shell out another 300+ dollars for another 50ML's of susp. so what I have is what's it's gonna be. What would you guys do? 75mg'sED? 150mg'sED or 150mg'sEOD? thanks for your help

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Wait and get more test then do it right at 150mg a day. Also instead of Dbol at the end of the cycle you should run 50mg/day winny. Or ditch the Anadrol and run Dbol for the first 4 weeks.

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Originally posted by WilsonPhillips I know that test suspension is usually dissolved in water thus it needs to be taken ED, but the stuff I got is dissolved in oil, so I was hoping EOD would be alright. I might be wrong on this bro but I don't believe the test being suspended in water or oil is what determines the frequency of injections but rather the fact that the test has no ester attached to it. This is why there is a need for daily, and in some cases twice daily injections. I would go ED on this, the mg's per day is up to you and will be dependent upon several things such as prior cyle experience, what your stacking this with, etc, etc. But again, you will find that most people will reccommend ED for suspension and EOD for propionate.

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Originally posted by finafire I might be wrong on this bro but I don't believe the test being suspended in water or oil is what determines the frequency of injections but rather the fact that the test has no ester attached to it. This is why there is a need for daily, and in some cases twice daily injections. I would go ED on this, the mg's per day is up to you and will be dependent upon several things such as prior cyle experience, what your stacking this with, etc, etc. But again, you will find that most people will reccommend ED for suspension and EOD for propionate. thats right,being suspended in oil dosent change the ester and it still needs to be taken everyday for optimal results,same goes for winny suspended in oil!

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Every other day is fine with your test solution. Although the half life of the cpd is no different than a suspension the oil can take a while to dissolve depending on where you inject (shoulder takes longer than your glute for ex). If I were you I would just total 600-900mg of test per week divided between your t.solution and a heavier ester like enth or whatever you can find for 14 weeks. Period. Thats it. Are you that big that you need all that crap? I dont know if it would be worth it. If you really need to stack then add 25mg of dbol a day for 6-8 weeks.

Killer Quads81
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100mg/day should be fine w/ suspension bro, you dont need 150mg/day. I would use more tren though, close to double what you plan on useing.

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Hey thanks guys. it'll give me lots to think about:)

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sounds like a killer cycle keeps us posted
