New Member
Joined: Jun 27, 2018
Last seen: Mar 28, 2019
Topics: 1 / Replies: 3
RE: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

Just ran a 16 week cycle. Test Cyp with a Dianoxyl kickstart. I also ran Proviroxyl after dropping the dbol. Good test, libido was thru the roof, grea...

5 years ago
RE: Roids-Shop.Com Reviews

I felt Roids-shop's excellent service deserved a reiview. Mind you guys that this is my first review on this site so go easy on me please. I had a few...

6 years ago
RE: Formula for Cycling and Dosing T3

well, I like longer ones - but only when I am running a good bit of AAS - I havent been on a cutting cycle in awhile but the last one I did for 60 day...

6 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 2960