Last seen: Jul 23, 2022
Will do, thanks!
I always got big bumps from axio prop, but it worked great!
Sorry, couldn't resist, I'm just envious.
I'd run several cases of pork skins along side. I just happen to have a pallet or so I can trade for, say, half of your stash....whada say?
Yeah, I agree on the testing to get dosed correctly. I asked his assistant last visit if the tests came back normal, what the visit interval would be,...
With jimjimi's statement, we should be happy it only costs what it does....
What other side effects?
I've never heard of that as a side effect. Sexual disfuction at that dosage, yes.
I wish it would kill MY appetite! I'm using .25mg/day as an AI...
I'm sure there are members here that have had blood tests while on a cycle other than test. What are the results?
Maybe the question is whether or not blood tests treqat these modified test aas as test. For example, we know that Tbol is a modification of test, rig...
Like has been said many times before here, Test does things that you need that no other modified steroid can do for you. Your libido will stay good, m...