Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 8, 2022
Last seen: Feb 29, 2024
Topics: 1 / Replies: 30
RE: Off Season Back Workout - AdelBB and MA92

Taurus With difficulty mate, with difficulty............ :)

1 year ago
RE: Site Rotation??

Originally posted by BigMan66 Oh - Using homebrew, but for some reason the delts especially were painful to the extent that it hurt turning over when ...

1 year ago
RE: Site Rotation??

Mate I try and rotate but to be honest I often get lazy and use the delts repeatedly. Never had a problem with it if using 25 gauge pins and low volum...

1 year ago
RE: What size pins do you guys use

25 gauge 1" all the way I would never go back to 21 or 23 gauge :)

1 year ago
RE: Introducing myself

Welcome aboard mate. All good here, some great people and some of the best BBers in Oz. :)

2 years ago
RE: traps, need angles n shit!

Originally posted by pacesetter So Mr Aust is right the way i see it, the best trap developer is the deadlifts, and not just sets of 2 or 3 heavy reps...

2 years ago
RE: traps, need angles n shit!

AR Just smash the deadlifts. The best trap builder by a long shot MA92

2 years ago
RE: Back from the dead

Welcome back mate. I was just wondering the other day what happened to some of the old crew (including yourself).

2 years ago
RE: HGH Your thoughts

Mate There is a great thread on the main board (as a sticky) suggest you read through it. Lots of real world experience with GH for you to consider. :...

2 years ago
RE: Dosing Clen

Go to a needle exchange, they will have what you want. You could dilute it if you wnat but you would need to add PPG, not something else.

2 years ago
RE: O/T - What time do you get out of bed?

LOL at messiah. I always liked that line........"I will catch up on sleep when I am dead"

2 years ago
RE: O/T - What time do you get out of bed?

Weekdays I get up at 05.30 and either train at 06.00 or go in to work early. Usually hit the sack around 11.00 at night. So, I only get 6.5 hrs per ni...

2 years ago
RE: O/T - What time do you get out of bed?

LOL at messiah. I always liked that line........"I will catch up on sleep when I am dead"

2 years ago
RE: O/T - What time do you get out of bed?

Weekdays I get up at 05.30 and either train at 06.00 or go in to work early. Usually hit the sack around 11.00 at night. So, I only get 6.5 hrs per ni...

2 years ago
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