Last seen: Jan 22, 2025
Did you just post this to rub it in ya prick?? (Joking of course) sounds like you are having waaaaaayyy too much fun. :)
Jag Great to hear the gains are coming mate, just remember to EAT and get plenty of rest at the that 90 kg barrier will be well and truly behind you. ...
Nice cycle Jag. Good to see you have finally taken the plunge. Grow and enjoy mate :)
Stop being a bunch of pussies and take your medicine like a man. :)
ED and no Bromo...................
No probs mate, just my opinion, feel free to disregard. :)
Dont bridge, time off gear should be exactly that, time OFF. The body (as with all things in life) works in cycles, sometimes you need to take 1 step ...
Aw shucks................. I am embarrassed now................ :)
Originally posted by mekka Noticed today at work im starting to get real hot and swetaing all of a sudden then it goes, this is happening every 10mins...
Tren cycle :) Welcome to sleepless sweaty nights and great gains.
Cyp........ mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............. (in my best Homer Simpson voice)
Looooove carbing up. All the work is done, just relax, eat, fill up and dry out. :)
Weekly as in 1 time per week? Not bad, so much for the "calves can take it more often" theory. Have been training 18 years and mine dont look like tha...
Great work sanct, we have discussed calf training before and you are obviously reaping the benefits of your approach. One question, frequency of train...
interesting post ip nice to see you in here :)