Started my tren cyc...
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Started my tren cycle

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Started new cycle on Friday night, will be keeping track of reults on here. At the moment on 75mgtren/75mg prop E2d for 8 weeks, and last 4 weeks will be on Stana shots at 50mg a day, will see how i go i may up the tren/prop if need be, frontloded first 2 days, started at 85kg, will keep u guys posted with updates.

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What is your past cycle history?

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done one cycle previously consisting of Dbol 50mg ED week 1-4 Test enth 500mg/week for 10 weeks EQ 400mg/week for 10 weeks Winny 50mg ED weeks 6-10 Put on about 18kg on this and kept 14kg of that, first cycle.

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great ratio of keeping gains. 14/18 is good in any language. maybe enlighten us on ur post cycles therapy.

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Tren cycle 🙂 Welcome to sleepless sweaty nights and great gains.

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Mekka, they are some excellent gains on your first cycle bro!!

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i just used HCG, Clomid,nolva PCT, BF stayed the same aswell maybe dropped half a percent on first cycle so yea i made some nice gains! im at 16.7% BF now which i wanna get down to 10-12% im hoping i can pull it off with Tren/Prop/Stana along with cardio and nice diet ill keep you guys updated.

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Good luck with the cycle Mekka, im interested to see the results of Tren as im debating its use for my next cycle as im trying to hit the 100kg mark, im 92kg today yet 18%BF so im looking to drop a bit of fat, down to 12-14%.....................keep us posted buddy..

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fuck simo thats pretty similar to me! but i'm around 16%bf don't tell me your like 6'? matbe you're my twin hehe and yeah i wanna get my bf to about 10-12 before i try for the magic 100kg mark.

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Having trouble sleeping! had 3rd shot tonight, got about 2 hours sleep last night, popped some valerian but still couldnt sleep, veins are starting to come up in forearms! i like this stuff already only 3-4 days in

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hmmm, im not having any trouble sleeping at all... infact probably sleeping better now than ever. could be due to the fact that work and the gym is exhausting me though 🙂

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Yea pretty wierd dreams, i was up running around in my sleep last night hahaah, no cough yet.

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mmmmmmmmm tren hey? may have to have a closer look at it, i know sanctum loves the stuff!

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Oh yes he is a big fan, only thing im not keen on is the E2D shots and spot injections, so far ive done delts, tri's, quads, gonna try calves and traps.

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