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Joined: Oct 27, 2022
Last seen: Dec 26, 2023
Topics: 0 / Replies: 15
RE: Started my tren cycle

Love the stuff like no other. and then the cough. you know its the real deal when you get that. Yes the cough is fucking evil. But like you said DDD i...

7 months ago
RE: Started my tren cycle

Mekka, they are some excellent gains on your first cycle bro!!

7 months ago
RE: by what age do you think you will stop taking steroids .

Yep once u hit 20 more pounds, it'll be another 20 and so on and so on. It's a fucking disease!!

8 months ago
RE: The Calves

Fuck Sanktum they are awesome bro!! Can i swap 2??? :)

1 year ago
RE: anadrol is no joke !

Ive never done anadrol, always stuck to d-bol but after reading this though i think im gonna go buy some right now!!! :biglaugh:

1 year ago
RE: Thai dianabol dosage

Yep Beamerboy pinkies rock!!

1 year ago
RE: How to run finastride?

I use 1mg every day and it does the job-NEVER used it with winny though

1 year ago
RE: Winny DOESNT cause hair loss?

is minoxidl that regaine/rogaine shit?

1 year ago
RE: deca vs equipoise-your experience

swap it round. Eq one time, deca next.

1 year ago
RE: HGH Your thoughts

Ozzdazz, i think that sounds like a great idea. I heard anything less than 4 months is a waste of time. 2 i/us is a relatively low dosage but certainl...

2 years ago
RE: Sick of tuna...........

Nothing beats a good tuna mornay. yummmmm!!

2 years ago
RE: Finasteride sides????

Have any of you had your DHT levels checked by a blood test? Nope nevr have, sounds like a good idea though Durabolin. Let us know how you go.

2 years ago
RE: Finasteride sides????

yep same, take propecia 1mg a day-never had hives (u sure it is the propecia?). Does fuck up my sex drive after a while though.

2 years ago