Jag's Journey Begin...
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Jag's Journey Begins

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Hey Bro's.. Well finally after spending quite a long time on this board, and then previously before this at such boards as Anabolicreview, the cycle that had been 'in the making' has finally started.. Will update this reasonably regulary (atleast every week) to keep everyone up to date with how it is going.. (wont go over the board though like some others use to on anabolicreview and post every single meal or workout they had done every day, and how the meal tasted, and how the workout went, as I dont want to bore you all to death ๐Ÿ™‚ ).. The cycle ended up being reasonably simple... Yet stil a fair bit for a first time, so hopefully have found a good cycle to start with.. Okay so a little about the cycle.. It consists of: Dbol 37.5mgs a day weeks 1-4 test e 500mg a week ,weeks 1-10 Eq 400mgs a week , weeks 1-10 Starting weight is appromimatly 80kgs at about 10% approx (my lowest in some time, even though bf has always been quite low) just dont seem to be holding as much muscle as I use to. The basic goal is to try and mantain the bf% and attempt to crack the 90kg mark... Currently 3 days into the cycle.. and starting to feel a little bit 'different', and even getting a little extra burn in the muscles when lifting at work... (either just my imagination, or the dbol is slightly kicking in fast) Well wish me luck Bro's, and will make sure i endevour to keep everyone updated... If anyone has any Q's in regards to the cycle, feel free to ask.. I will also try and get some photo's up to compare before and after shots.. Thanks to everyone for all there help in designing the cycle, and for helping me with all the queries I had, you guys know who you are.. Jaguar

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can u extend to 12 weeks? maybe for the benefit of the EQ?

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Nice cycle Jag. Good to see you have finally taken the plunge. Grow and enjoy mate ๐Ÿ™‚

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Looks good mate..... any chance you can swap esters at the end? Get onto PCT faster? Best of luck champion.

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And another one bites the dust ..... no hope for you now Jag ๐Ÿ™‚ You will learn ALOT more about yourself now , first cycle is always so much fun. S2k made a really good point above see if you can scrounge up a few weeks of prop to finnish your cycle , will make your PCT much easier. Have Fun. Ab

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Hi Jag your cycle looks like something I will kick off at the start of 2004 dbol 30mg for weks 1-4 test ethan 750mg 1-12 equ 400mg 1-12 dieting at the moment so I have low bf to start cycle dieting sux=pissed:

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Thanks for all the support Bro's, appreciate it... Armoured: Unfortunatly that is all the Eq/Test E I ordered this time, will probably just run the 10 weeks first off, and see how my body goes, and then if need be can make future cycles slightly longer if the gains are still coming strong at week 10.. Thanks MrAust92, and Sanct.. you two are some of the blokes i spoke of that helped me out a heap in getting things organised to finally get this shit on the road, so i appreciate that ๐Ÿ™‚ Unfortunatly I dont have any fast acting esters to switch too, however I do have to pick up a couple of little bits of peices by the end of the cycle, so if I get my hands on some then I might possibly switch over to the Prop at the end... Thanks unreal, yer I am really looking forward to the remaining 9 weeks just to see what i can turn my body into ๐Ÿ™‚ , have been eating like there is no tomorrow, and just hope it doesn't all decide to turn into fat, hehe Best of luck for your cycle nickyboy12, and hope the dieting is too bad... Thanks again all, all feedback/comments are appreciated.. Jaguar

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๐Ÿ™‚ haha buddy no turning back now:biglaugh: keep in touch

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Yer I know Splats... Going through to the end! ๐Ÿ™‚ Did ya get my email the other day Bro?? Will keep ya updated... Man this stuff is amazing.. it has only been about 4 days since I began, and I have already put on about two kgs (alot to do with the increased eating etc) .. and are a heap stronger in the gym etc already (must just be the dbol kicking in, or my mind playing tricks on me).. for example using 25's for dumbell curls instead of 20's.. And with my arm workout yesterday, I have never felt a pump so intense, i thought my arms were gonna pop out of there skin ๐Ÿ˜€ I hope this continues at the rate it is, if so hitting up over the 90kgs shouldn't be out of the question... Thanks for the support all. Jaguar

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Posts: 34

Jag Great to hear the gains are coming mate, just remember to EAT and get plenty of rest at the that 90 kg barrier will be well and truly behind you. ๐Ÿ™‚
