Trusted Member
Joined: Sep 24, 2022
Last seen: Feb 29, 2024
Topics: 5 / Replies: 80
RE: Prop Injections - How bad are they?

Using home made tren/prop 1% BA 5% BB...... ZERO pain...... Cheers

5 months ago
RE: For tren users - did u use Bromocriptine ?

Let's not get paranoid about tren and progesterone induced gyno... it's not that common.... and at lowish doses, it's not a problem. And if tren is th...

6 months ago
RE: For tren users - did u use Bromocriptine ?

the ideal dose I have heard is half tab am/pm..... but then I have read where bigger doses help in weight loss.... Cheers

6 months ago
RE: For tren users - did u use Bromocriptine ?

are you talking about bromocriptime? if so, Tren promotes prolactin increases, leads to progesterone induced gyno...nolva has no effect..... Bromocrip...

6 months ago
6 months ago
RE: For tren users - did u use Bromocriptine ?

ED for sure.... Many will find that winny will address progesterone induced gyno with Tren. For those for whom it doesn't; and the dose is high enough...

6 months ago
RE: Started my tren cycle

mekkas was salvaged from some heavy crystalisation which may have affetced the doseage...... He is a far happeir camper now :)

7 months ago
RE: Started my tren cycle

early chinese winston...

7 months ago
RE: Started my tren cycle

just make sure you pull the pin out before you cough your lungs up.... ahahahahahahahahhahah

7 months ago
RE: Started my tren cycle

ahahahahahhaha You can't beat Tren sweats..... had to buy more linenn to cope here........ Suck it up mekka...... the best is yet to come... :)

7 months ago
RE: Started my tren cycle

25s for sure...... I have stopped the 23s altogether.....

7 months ago
RE: Started my tren cycle

I have used slin pins, but prefer the 25g 3/4" pins... some depth is needed, although if the muscle area is lean........

7 months ago
RE: Started my tren cycle

Mr Oz... I will try to find the info i have on spot growth.... In short: All AAS will have a local effect on growth, some more pronounced than others....

7 months ago
RE: O/T Training advice.....

Interesting stuff dura...... will have a read....

7 months ago
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