Eminent Member
Joined: Aug 31, 2022
Last seen: Jun 7, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 31
RE: O/T whos the king of night owls here?

glad yu got that of yr chest man , LOL feel better now? ........ paybacks a bitch , sure you cant find a lawn to mow tonite at say 11pm ? :)

2 months ago
RE: Whats a training partner worth?

Unfortunately in my little corner of paradise there are no like minded individuals avaliable to take up the challenge. I have my best buddy train with...

7 months ago
RE: Started my tren cycle

Originally posted by mekka Ok almost one week in and i feel very lethargic and my whole body aches after workouts, is this normal, on last cycle i fel...

7 months ago
RE: Started my tren cycle

I was sceptical also but this last cycle has been ED tren shots always mixed with something... eq , enanthate and the last 4 weeks prop.. the only spo...

7 months ago
RE: Creatine - How and why?

I dont really have it in me to go into depth on it this late on a saturday night ( long day ) but I really think creatine is one of the best supplimen...

8 months ago
RE: Need some advice

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but girls are fucking crazy. Trust me I am one, I know. If you still love her, you're not going to let her go...

8 months ago
RE: Need some advice

tuff pill to swallow mate.... is she lieing? "all lies lead to the truth"

8 months ago
RE: The Calves

holy fucking MOOOO or what ???? good stuff dude...

1 year ago
RE: how to get strong women?

Im with the " be yourself " oppinion , gonna have to be yourself sooner or latter anyway if you want it to be more than a one night thing.... How abou...

1 year ago
RE: Dosing Tabs (D-bol)

Bloody hell , Pace if your reading this rememeber I told you - you jinxst us LOL... now see what youve done :) Hess , BBZ has very sound advice 25mg w...

1 year ago
RE: Dosing Tabs (D-bol)

Pill splitter maybe. If it was me I would just eat the 50 a day , half for b'fast and half in the arvo... but you could do it the 3 ways , close enuff...

1 year ago
RE: Bent over rows, grip width

I like to strap in overhand and about shoulder width apart.

1 year ago
RE: What size pins do you guys use

you can even get yu gerbil thru a decent copper pipe mate :)

1 year ago
RE: What size pins do you guys use

Originally posted by MrAust92 25 gauge 1" all the way I would never go back to 21 or 23 gauge :) Ditto .... but- Got me beat how you guys get oil thru...

1 year ago
RE: Not real attractive on Clenbuterol!

Originally posted by Cutieface but if you're tapering up your dose...you don't really lose the shakes...and my hands tremble regardless w/ clen Cutie ...

1 year ago
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