Last seen: Feb 6, 2024
Originally posted by bearcat Tex, What size pin and what were you injecting? Curious, b/c i've always been afraid to try the quads. i shot 2cc's of de...
Originally posted by Delta1 There has been no clinical evidence that spot injections (i.e. quads, shoulders, calves, etc.) will allow the steroid to b...
Originally posted by DJack oops I meant heart . click on the edit button bro. & 120's are great if you have never done juice
my gym doesnt have 120's. but i can hit 8 reps w/ the 115's, but i'm not that big( currently 200-lost about 10 lbs recently). some of the big guys i t...
as stated above , run 500 mg's for the duration. keep in mind that sus is a blend of 4 esters & your blood levels would be too low @ 250 a week , ...
i've shot glutes as often as every 3 days in the same cheek
Originally posted by HGH Man I'm not a Dr. but I did stay at a Holiday inn last night. now that is fkn funny!:biglaugh:
the release duration for cyp & enantht are almost identical (10-14 days). realistically there is little difference between the two. The enanthate ...
Originally posted by gatorr I found shooting enanthate eod works best for me as it seems to keep blood levels higher and more stable. After seeing som...
deca& HGH. great sups for joint releif :-)
& when you post your cycle it should read as follows- makes it easy for the reader week 1- 4 35mg D-bol ED week 1-10 800mg's test week 1-10 800mg'...
ED= every day EOD= evey other day imo= in my opinion LMAO= laughing my ass off you will see these alot. there is no need to taper test in the middle o...
Originally posted by Valkyl If u dont have anythign fast acting I would strongly recommend running the omna, eod shots for at least weeks 1-2 preferab...
can you run test with test ? uuuh... yea. omna is a blend of four test's