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120 lb dumbells !!

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Man I hit 7 sets of six reps with the 120 lb dumbbells on the incline press today! My training bro aint quite there, but getting close. Probably aint much compared to all you horses out thet though.

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I can't even do 100's. nice work!

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Originally posted by DJack Man I hit 7 sets of six reps with the 120 lb dumbbells on the incline press today! My training bro aint quite there, but getting close. Probably aint much compared to all you horses out thet though. 7 sets holy moly

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7 sets of 6??? Holy moly,,that some cardio workout right there.....

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hmm, never tried 120lbers on incline press. i usually do 100-110's.. 120 for 7 sets is impressive thou, keep up the good work

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my gym doesnt have 120's. but i can hit 8 reps w/ the 115's, but i'm not that big( currently 200-lost about 10 lbs recently). some of the big guys i trained with @ my old gym would hit 150's for 8-10 reps. they were 220 - 245. so if you're 200-210 then good job, but if you're 220 + , then average

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Originally posted by DJack Man I hit 7 sets of six reps with the 120 lb dumbbells on the incline press today! My training bro aint quite there, but getting close. Probably aint much compared to all you horses out thet though. Nice job!

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Right on guys, i'm not braggin, just wanted to compare. My training partner is 46 and is getting close to that. He has a big hart,bigger than some of the pups in the gym. I have hit the 140's dumbies, but man i feel like i am at the edge of an accident with those. Tore a pec before and aint gonna do that again!(By the way i havent used gear yet!)

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oops I meant heart .

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Originally posted by DJack oops I meant heart . click on the edit button bro. & 120's are great if you have never done juice

Dan Gable
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what are you guys dumbell benchin? I am doin thre sets of 8 with 110 lbs dumbbells. This is my first cycle and im only half way through it. I am 185 and 19 yrs old. should I be hittin more? also what do you guys recomend bar or dumbell?

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Thanks mtex

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As you all know, never satisfied,want to get bigger and stronger! Looking to do my first round of the good stuff! Then go total CRAZY!
