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Joined: Sep 1, 2022
Last seen: Feb 6, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 11
RE: decided to do my 1st quad injection tonight

Originally posted by newjuicer I love quad shots, I like to se the juice goin' in! The first times for me were painfull becouse I did not do the right...

9 months ago
RE: I think i hit a vein yesterday

u probably just went though a vein. if u injected into a vein you would have been coughing profusely. Always aspirate from now on, you lucked out

9 months ago
RE: 120 lb dumbells !!

hmm, never tried 120lbers on incline press. i usually do 100-110's.. 120 for 7 sets is impressive thou, keep up the good work

9 months ago
RE: Who here does NOT train lower chest?

only do flat barbell press, and incline dumbell press. seems to be working for me, the stretch marks are growing

9 months ago
RE: Kalpa gear

running their EQ, and its badass... in wk 6 now

1 year ago
RE: Sustanon INJ pain

its from the prop, you'll get used to it after a few shots, and it wont bother u anymore

2 years ago
RE: Question on heavy metal music

Originally posted by S0uL The new hatebreed is good! the new hatebreed fuckin rocks. everyone go pick up "The rise of brutality" album. shitload of ba...

2 years ago
RE: Whats YOUR best Gain from a cyle?

8wk, sust 500mg/wk Dbol first 4 wks, 30mg ed. total gain was 27lbs, kept 22lbs of it. it was my first cycle

2 years ago
RE: worried that my sust might be fake

are you taking Arimidex or nolva? if you are that is why your not seeing any bloat

2 years ago
RE: worried that my sust might be fake

i havent heard of fake karachi's going around. They're clear amps with yellow writing, and a white line around the neck right? hows your diet? If your...

2 years ago
RE: Best way to take Tren?

i'd say inject it ED... the dossages are completely up to you, and your experience

2 years ago