decided to do my 1s...
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decided to do my 1st quad injection tonight

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nobody ever said anything about spot injections and their effectiveness as far as localized growth is concerned. I dont know how we got on that topic. And, I never considered quads to be a site-inject muscle anyway. But since you mentioned it, On-sites usually require a smaller muscle group that will have trouble accomodating large amounts of oil, thus forcing the fascia to stretch. It is the quantity of oil in a muscle that makes a part appear larger, not localized growth from receptors receiving these hormones first.

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I did a quad shot (outter quadrant of course) and the soreness seeped down right above my knee. I always limp like a bastard on quad shots, but I prefer them, as I cannot reach my glutes nearly as good. I just wish there was a way to do it without getting sore or hurt. I do get all nervous and sweat like a Tijuana crack whore when I'm about to inject. I can do a GH insulin need no problem at all. But those 23 or 21 gauge 1"ers are intimidating. Most of the time I have a nurse shoot for me, in the glutes. Doesn't hurt at all.

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i always use a 25g 1.5 incher for quads. the pain the following day from the injection isn't the quirky part of a quad inject for me... its all the nerves and shit in the quad that when pushing the needle in you gotta look out for. i end up giving a quick jab to get through the outter most layer of skin then i push the needle in super slow to kinda "feel out" the needles path as it goes in. if i sense a nerve or other "tender spot" i pull the needle back a 1/8-1/4 inch and angle it a hair and start pushing in again. usually takes me a few min to get the needle fully buried in the quad, but i prefer quad shots to delts. delt shots make me queezy for some reason lol

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I brought us to this topic because it doesn't make sense to me why people would try to do an injection into the calves, quads, bis, tris, or delts when the glute is the area of least pain to inject. However, your explanation is a good one that I can accept. Thank you!

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Originally posted by newjuicer I love quad shots, I like to se the juice goin' in! The first times for me were painfull becouse I did not do the right, but of course nowadays they're my favorite shot of the week, although for higher cc (3 or more) I always go butt! i hit 3cc's in my quads all the time with no probs.. i love shooting quads, almost as much as i love shooting delts!:devil:

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Quads are a different beast, one shot mat hurt and the next nothing..and .5 inch is not near enough. I would suggest atleast 1 inch, if not 1.5 in. I use 23g 1.5 inch all the time I put it in about 1.25 inches. Works fine. ~~~~>Test.

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Originally posted by mtex i shot 2cc's of deca 300 with a 25g 1". that was yesterday & i feel ok. if you want pictures of spot injections click this link & click what body part you want to veiw i used 23 gauge for some test... just wondering if u had any probs injecting deca with such a small pin, i didnt think ud be able to shoot it with a 25gauge

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my right quad is my favorite place to inject. Absolutely no pain or soreness. My left quad is 50/50, sometimes painless and sometimes a little sore

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Originally posted by Delta1 I brought us to this topic because it doesn't make sense to me why people would try to do an injection into the calves, quads, bis, tris, or delts when the glute is the area of least pain to inject. However, your explanation is a good one that I can accept. Thank you! hmmmmm, what if you have to shoot everyday, or even every ther day? you cannot do your glutes repeatedly. someone once said that they don't inject the same spot more than once a week, i live by that. my first cycle, all i did were my glutes, twice a week, rotating sides. this time around, i am doing prop EOD, so i am going to rotate between thighs, glutes, delts, anyone have any other suggestions, or will those three be enough? thanx.

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My glutes have adjusted to it. I used to shoot twice a day and I don't even bruise anymore. The only time I had a prob was shooting T-400. that sucked. Stopped that quickly.

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