Last seen: Feb 28, 2024
I am no training expert, but I believe they will respond as well to weight lifting training as to any other. The problem isn't getting them to respond...
After running GH for >9mos I found the nerves regenerating in the center of my left foot, which had been injured by badly fitted ski boots about 12...
Intelligent training is essential for effective development, to prevent injury, and to maintain results. HGH for 6-12 mos will likely fix soft tissue ...
The other thing to check is hematocrit. Some AAS (equipoise & others) induce polycythemia. Not like erythropoetin, but can be too much of a good t...
Here's a way to check some basic blood chemistry at home:I'm not recommending this particular system (never used it), but it should get you started wi...
I never used such a small dose, although if you're not taking a lot of AAS for HRT, it may well be adequate, just slow acting. Results are relatively ...
The 4 month old HCG is surely useless, even though refrigerated. On the other hand, if it is definitely still sterile, I'd probably use it anyway, but...
I haven't time to review this in detail right now and would consider it impolite (by Bolex standards of behavior) to dump on individuals sbuscribing t...
A genuinely fascinating look at what's going on in a different community. The Swale postings at the end are especially good, though, as an MD (as he s...
I would start by seeing how often I have to hit them with HCG to maintain full desired size. Although it is thought by some to be best to take HCG eve...
Your HRT therapy seems to be at an excellent level for preservation and further development. The lenght of time you've been on HRT is enough, by far, ...