Active Member
Joined: Jun 27, 2018
Last seen: Apr 12, 2019
Topics: 1 / Replies: 5
RE: Sciroxx Laboratories

Their products are great. I recently had my blood work done while on 750 mgs test, 600 mgs eq and 350 mgs tren. My test levels came back @ 3690. Thats...

5 years ago
RE: BuyTestosterone.Net Reviews

I've ordered from them in the past with no issues... But you can't beat his prices. I ordered a couple Geriostim pens ... International shipping and i...

6 years ago
RE: Cardio when bulking?

What do u recommend? Sprints or Tradicional?

6 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 3230
RE: Half life schedules and info

So u would recommend two shots of 350mg?

6 years ago
RE: Half life schedules and info

As Test Enanthate's half life is 10.5 days, is it possible to cycle with just one shot per week?P.S.: That's because the enanthate I have access, come...

6 years ago