Last seen: Jul 7, 2022
My first cycle was Test Prop, and I loved it. It was painful for me until I started mixing sterile grapeseed oil with it. I would also put the gear in...
Posted by: spankinbabys i know im somewhat new but shouldnt he run the prop for 2 weeks longer then the eq because the eq is a longer ester???? ...
I ran Prop (first cycle I eve did) at EOD injects. Prop is great stuff!!! I would rather use Tbol to o over Winny. I haven't used Winny, but if it "dr...
The thing to get you where you most want to be is diet. Make sure that is in check. If you decide to tell your girl, get on YouTube and look up the HB...
just out of curiosity did you mean 50mg's of Dbol per week or per day?? Also, I got a lump under my right nipple once and I hadn't touched gear in ove...
Here is some stuff I came up with:Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for Vitamin DInfants 0-12 months- 1000 IUChildren 1-18 years- 2000 IUAdults 19 yea...
Bumping this up, I would like more info as well
Bump to all of these....make sure you take all the Cell Tech/Nitro Tech to to tell all of your friends that is what is causing you to make awesome gai...
Posted by: beefsky does anyone have a source for sterile grapeseed oil? for future reference bro, i dont believe we do advertising here.just li...
What are your reasons for dropping the test completely and still running the deca at 250mg?
Read everything in this link....Newly Updated Recommendations--- HCG & PCT
I like to use Letro during cycle and for one of the compounds during PCT
bumping that, like I said earlier, prohormones are shitty and a rip-off when they real deal is better....
Visions is the man to talk to about things like this
I once did a cycle of prohormones and used the OTC PCT shit. While I gained some strength I did not gain much mass and they absolutely killed my libid...