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CLOMID....Throughout or only for PCT??? Please help!!

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just started my 1st cycle......8 week cycle week 1-4 Dbol (30mg/day) week 1-8 omna (500/week) adex .5mg eod throughout clomid here's the question....i always thought clomid was for pct. 300mg 1st day (3 weeks after last shot), then 100mg for 10 days, then 50mg for 10 days (like it says in some threads) now i hear i should take clomid eod throughout the entire cycle (to keep my nuts normal....)!!! what do i do???

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I know i should expect both the "beans" to shrink and the "sac" to sort of "impload" by going up.......does this completely go back to normal like pre-cycle, or do they remain a tad smaller permanently??? How come some guys tell me their nuts are permanently "shrunk" and "raised", is that from continouus use??? Please help!! thanks..........

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Originally posted by Pantera just started my 1st cycle......8 week cycle week 1-4 dbol (30mg/day) week 1-8 omna (500/week) adex .5mg eod throughout clomid here's the question....i always thought clomid was for pct. 300mg 1st day (3 weeks after last shot), then 100mg for 10 days, then 50mg for 10 days (like it says in some threads) now i hear i should take clomid eod throughout the entire cycle (to keep my nuts normal....)!!! what do i do??? ive heard of ppl running clomid throughout their cycles, it wont hurt anything but its not really necessary and can be expensive... i u really want to keep ur nutz an HCG shot every week or so mite be a better option

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i have plenty of clomid, that's not the prob. but whats is better, to use throughout, or just for pct? do your nuts go back to "normal" after using clomid for pct, or do they permanently stay a tad smaller????

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yeah I would go that route with a hcg shot clomid might be exspensive but if money is not a concern to you then you got 2 choices =] gl!

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Originally posted by ncstate yeah I would go that route with a hcg shot clomid might be exspensive but if money is not a concern to you then you got 2 choices =] gl! would go what route?? i don't follow....should i run throughout or just for pct?? thanks for everyone's help and opinions!! keep it coming!!

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sorry my bad throughout.

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Originally posted by ncstate sorry my bad throughout. why do some people say thats not necessary, and some (like yourself)suggest throughout? also, what about my nuts questions from above....anyone got answers???

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They will return to normal. I have ran clomid throughout and it didnt help anything for me. HCG does on the other hand.

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Your nuts should go back to normal just from pct. Running clomid throughout cycle would be a waste of $ with no huge benefit. IMO I'd run your cycle 10 weeks

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Originally posted by Pantera why do some people say thats not necessary, and some (like yourself)suggest throughout? also, what about my nuts questions from above....anyone got answers??? why do some ppl say its not necessary?? SIMPLE, cuz its not... ya ur ballz are gonna shrink but who cares, they are going to come back and work just fine... like i said in my previous post, if u have some sorta problem with a temporary decrease in natural test production shoot some hcg

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Originally posted by ncstate sorry my bad throughout. Clomid doesnt work in the presence of test. That is why you wait 3 weeks after your last shot before you begin using it...
