feedback on my pct>...
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feedback on my pct>>>>>

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trying to get my pct lined up
here are my stats
been lifting for 2 years
32 years old
5'9 196-200 it goes up and down diet right now around 2500-2800 calories carbs go up and down just depends , protein around 275-300 right now
bodyfat is about 12% depends how much water I drink that day
trying to get my bf lower before I start my cycle in about a month... doing alot of cardio..
my cycle is 10 weeks of test-e @ 250mg twice a week Tues and Fri
and the 1st 30 days Dbol @ 20mg daily

here will be my pct
HCG@ 500iu's 2x per week during cycle then will stop during pct
then 14 days after last shot of test start clomid and Nolvadex
100 mg Clomid daily
20 mg Nolvadex daily
now will 30 days be enough for this cycle? i read it can go from 4-6 weeks?

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You should really check out Visions thread on PCT. It's stickied, and has everything you need right there. I also wouldn't run the Nolva, I'd use Aromasin if you can get your hands on it, and run it the entire length of your cycle and PCT.

Just thoroughly read this thread and shoot back any questions bro.

Here's a link: Newly Updated Recommendations--- HCG & PCT

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thanks... I will post any questions after reading... thanks again...

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Posted by: above6k
You should really check out Visions thread on PCT. It's stickied, and has everything you need right there. I also wouldn't run the Nolva, I'd use Aromasin if you can get your hands on it, and run it the entire length of your cycle and PCT.

Just thoroughly read this thread and shoot back any questions bro.

Here's a link: Newly Updated Recommendations---HCG & PCT

Def check out the Thread.It will answer just about all and any questions you may have as well as lay out a great PCT for ya.

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thanks.. nice read. now I got it down.. but is 30 days ok or 35 days,.. do you need to go 6 weeks for a 10 week cycle amd 30 day dbol?

Joined: 6 years ago
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Posted by: midnight765
thanks..nice read. now I got it down.. but is 30 days ok or 35 days,.. do you need to go 6 weeks for a 10 week cycle amd 30 day dbol?

For optimal recovery I would follow the protocol exactly as described. The SERM (clomid) is run for three weeks and the AI (aromasin) is run for six weeks to avoid estrogen rebound when coming off of the SERM. I follow this protocol and recover flawlessly. It is also important to follow the HCG protocol to a T for optimal recovery.

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