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[Sticky] 7Lab Pharma Reviews

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In this thread you are welcomed to share your personal experience with 7Lab Pharma brand products, by leaving a review below.

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This topic was modified 2 years ago by Admin

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i took dbols 40mgs ed for 4 weeks and but on 15.5 pounds some water weight which comes with dbol so i dont mind that and as for strenght gains which is more my thing wow i would say my lifts went up bought 3 days in i train at home in my own built gym and i had to go out and buy more plates around 20% i would say strenghth went up on all my lifts pretty much on that cycle i kepted 10lbs and felt great!

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Review is for testolab-e only haven't used tren yet. The test is absolutely amazing and on point! I made crazy gains and loved the feeling it gives you in the gym! Gained a good 15lbs off 750mg test for 8 weeks and strength skyrocketed! I've got bloods taken several times while on her test and it proves it's dosed correctly! Awesome fire gear!

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test prop 40mg / tren ace 75mg / mast prop 60mg ED 12 weeks this was an incredible cycle for me.not much weight change. i gained 4 pounds but lost quite a bit of bodyfat.. actually ALOT of bf.. the tren had me sweating all day/night from the third day on like i was in a sweat room.. the stack had my libido equal to that of a teenage boy. my aggression was a little too much at times but managed to use it to my advantage in the gym.. the mast had me lean and vascular like never before and rock solid.. had absolutely no pip what so ever from any of these..some of the strongest tren ace i have used in few years i would suggest that everyone try their gear.. you will not be dissapointed


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I will only review the Trenloab-A and Testolab-P, as I won't be using the Mastolab. I pin 50mg Test P daily, it draws easily, and injection is smooth, no PIP. The Tren is a nice deep yellow/orange color, thick, a slow draw through a 23g pin. I'm up to 75mg daily. Now, this stuff is fricken potent! Granted its my first tren run...Wow, strength up, muscle hardening up, libido up, D up! All the sides are there including back acne, a little paranoia/aggression, trensomnia, aggression (oh, oops already said that). A full work out sometimes feels like a warm up, even after 1.5 hours. Also I've been getting a lot of compliments, and even been hit on by a couple of the ladies at the gym. I wish I could be on this gear for a lifetime, as the feeling of well-being is nice. I have been on cycle for about 35 days. 7Lab will be the first on my list for gear.


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Quality is off the hook. I had my bloods taken NUMEROUS times while on the sustalab and testolab-p and my test levels were 10x my norm at a simple dose of 750mg/wk. I quit posting certain things on here but if anyone needs proof, hit me up!!

The primalab had a bite to it...but most def R-E-A-L!!! I ran another UGL prior too...and it was exactly the same in potency and pip. Those high mg compounds are no joke peeps 🙂

I ran a carb cycle diet while on the primalab for about 16-18 weeks and my body just had some quite profound changes. Vascularity all thru my legs now...quads, calves, whatever...probably my ass too...I can see it when I shoot the glutes!! My delts and tris really popped out too...someone just commented about my upper half just the other day. Slow and steady wins the race with primalab.

It was a costly investment and I don't really recommend it, but I felt like spending money I guess for 600-800mg/wk of pure bliss.

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Using Testolab-E, Boldelab and Testolab-P. The bottles were full to the top and looked very professional.

I am on about week 7 of Test E at 500 and EQ at 600. Libido and aggression are up, and appetite and endurance are increasing as the EQ kicks in. The great things about 7Lab gear for me is the low PIP and the lack of any allergic reactions. I have had problems with many other manufacturers gear giving a bad reaction.



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I started using this 7lab sustanon after being off of everything for about 5 months due to having surgery for an old injury.. I ran the sustanon at a low dose of 250 mg a week with a pinning schedule of mon, wed , and fri.. I was running another sources eq at 600 mg a week and the reason I am running these 2 together like this is in hopes of healing my muscles after the surgery without to high of test weakening my tendons.. After about a week of being on the sustanon my libido was back after being non existent for many months from being off, my mood soon improved which was a big deal because being held up from not being able to workout or do everyday things can be a big mind fuck.. I still have some strength limitations but my strength did start to improve around the 5 week mark and has gradually been improving every week even though i can't quite push it yet.. I myself had no pip from this Sustanon.. I ran it for 10 weeks at 250 mg and eq at 600 mg a week from another source and I put on some of the weight I lost and not even taking the weight into consideration a feel great after being off and recovering for so long.. I feel the short esters in this sustanon gave me an almost instant feeing of well being along with my libido back,gradually increased strength and some weight gain..

I am happy with what I got from this 7lab pharm sustanon at such a low dose..

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Testolab-C 250

Since using this at a dose of 150mg per week (split into two 75mg every 3.5 days shot Subq with a slin pin) I have a far better sense of well being and much more energy, which is something I lacked for a long time due to low testosterone. In terms of muscle building, I don't really train to build muscle, more for strength and health reasons, but I have put on 9lbs of muscle over the last 4 months, which is nice as the scales weren't budging beforehand for a very long time.

I know people may read all the above and think that they could be placebo or down to me/my training/diet etc...and not the Test Cyp, but the ridiculous amount of new hairs all over my midriff, shoulders and back suggest that 7Lab Test Cyp is exactly what it says it is. Very happy and will continue to use indefinitely.

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I am very satisfied with product quality and results. What I can say is that you know what your getting is good once you inject. Although I am also on another sources test and have used some tren a along side, I can definitely say that this gear has contributed to a lot of my gains. I'm up to 215 from 198 and still lean.

I definitely recommend using this lab's tren e and will use again.

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The test cyp gives me a slight PIP for about two days that's all and the actual injection goes in smooth. been using for a few weeks now and weight is up already and so is strength.(i am front loading for two weeks then go to every 4 days 500mg.

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Posting up my review for the 7Lab's Sustalab-250 I got in the last order.

So I did a test run with the Sustalab-250 to see the quality I was already on another band but switched to see what they where all about. Pinned the sustalab eod at 1cc. Got no pip at all didn't feel any drop from where I was at when I was on the other brand. I would say that the quality is there.

I will be using this brand in the future.

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Started using Stano-lab a little over 2 weeks ago. Also started a strict diet. My physique already looks harder, more vascular and leaner,

I am also noticing a strength increase. I would say the Stano-lab is excellent quality. I have not tried the D-Bol as yet, it may be a while,

but I will update this review when I try it..

I highly recommend them.

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7Lab sustalab-250 (10ml) x 1

Ran the sustanon 1cc every other day for 19 weeks. About week 7, I started the 7Lab sustanon 250 and had no drop in test elevation that I could physically feel.

Everything was still evident...for example:

  • Libido remained in full effect.
  • Oily skin
  • Water retention
  • Vascularity (always more pronounced while running sustanon 250 as opposed to let's say C or E)

Never skipped a beat and was smooth pinning and I would like to do it again.

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Sustalab Npp Stanozolol

This whole stack was to put on lean mass with out any body fat or water. My goal was accomplished with hard training and sticking to my diet plan. I was more striated and vascular than ever. I was extremly surprised with the strength gains. Npp and sustalab oils were easy to pin but stanozolol hurt very bad. Libido was super high and acne spread all over the back. Muscles started to develop and recover faster. 7 or 8 small meals spread throughout the day didn't affect my body fat at all infact it helped decrease body fat. As i noticed more fat loss and striations, my joints started to hurt. I bumped up Npp and bumped down Stanozolol.

Excellent lab.

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