Last seen: May 23, 2019
Oh, and this article, if you scroll down to the chapter on lipodystrophia, it refers to a study (couldn't access the abstract) where the treatment gro...
I found these studies supporting the eod dosing:J Endocrinol Invest. 2003 May;26(5):420-8. Three weekly injections (TWI) of low-dose growth hormone (G...
But better in terms of what? This study was on growth rate in children, didn't say anything about fat loss.I'd be interested in hearing results and do...
Posted by: Wicked Design I swear by this method now, I remember when the study was first posted hear so I changed from 3iu's ED to 6iu's EOD and afte...
The eod dosing, as discussed in a previous thread, seems to give less bloating. At 2-4IUs per day (or eod), 90% of anecdotal reports are very positive...
The test cyp gives me a slight PIP for about two days that's all and the actual injection goes in smooth. been using for a few weeks now and weight is...
Lyle admits he knows jack shit about steroids, so your knowledge far outweighs his in that department, JGUNS. I also think you have some great ideas o...
These guys ran a promo offering one vial of Kalpa test prop. I was happy to get in on this promo, It was a nice way to introducing a great new line of...
Yes, that pretty much sums it up. The advantage of ending a cycle after 14 days is supposedly that the pituitary is MORE responsive to LHRH input at t...
I agree - I always base my cycles around Test and Tren (when available and affordable - it's expensive and hard to get where I live). I frontload Prop...
This is just an example of his several leaps of faith and outright flaws in logic. When confronted with these inconsistencies (I see Raybravo has post...
Posted by: Nandi12 I was wondering who was responsible for the idea that pgf2-alpha increases AR density. So this is an L Rea "theory"? Do you guys h...
I have extensive experience with short cycles. I had two long threads at Anabolic Extreme, which unfortunately were lost. MuscleTrainee has a 10pg thr...
Raybravo, I think you need to stop listening to that Rea guy
RM = Rep Max. So your 1RM is the maximum load you can lift for 1 rep.All muscle fibers are recruited at around 85% of 1RM (a load you can lift for abo...