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First off, I just want to thank Maha Pharma for a smooth transaction, and always supplying fire gear. I'm a vet to AAS, and this was my first run with Maha. I've heard great things though, so I went for it.

At first, I was alarmed at the clear fluidity of the oil. It looks almost like water. Since very other Sources test that I've used was yellow, I researched a little. It's EO based. Which is awesome for me, since I have no allergies.

The Test E 250 is sweet. Pinning is super smooth, no pain, and can be pinned with a slin pin. Yes, Test E with slins. It's the smoothest gear ever.

Not to mention it was the deal of the week. So I got 5 bottles for dirt cheap. Shipping took around 15 days to get to Texas, and I was expecting right at 2 weeks. So that was on point as well. I paid with no problems.

I also ordered their Aromasin, which is also g2g. I dosed it too high the first few days and had achey joints. It definitely kills the bloat though.

The TBol is my second go around with it. First with Maha. I must say, this Maha is more potent. The last time I ran 50 MG and this time I started at 60. Had to go down to 40. Awesome dosing.

Overall, I'm very impressed and will do business again. I'm 8 weeks into a 12 week mass cycle, and I've gained 18 solid pounds.

Always prompt with order details and responded fast with all questions. Like I said, T/A was about 15 days. Perfect by what they promised. Packaging was Discreet, and it came from oversees with no issue.






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This is the first source that I used after finding this forum. I was really scared and not sure what to expect as I am sure most first timers are. Well, my experience was very positive. The ordering process was very easy, the website kept me updated the whole time and I received both products before the estimated t/a packaged very discretely. The most important was that both products were legit and worked as they supposed to.

There was no need for any communication. The support group does a fantastic job on updating your order status.

Package was very discreet and arrived after 3 weeks (15 business days), which I think is awesome for an international source and during this pandemic situation in the USA.

I have ordered Aromasin 25 and Clomid 50, both products were legit and worked great for cycle support and pct.

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Ordered test e from them, after RESEARCHING like a smart meat head I pulled the trigger. And it was a good choice, emails answered, donation sent, picked up, track number sent. Was nice comm also.

Test e 750/mg aw, ran a 16 week cycle with dianabol. After 6 weeks discontinued the dbol, and cruised with 750. Quality was on the money, caps right, codes checked out, vial was the high grade German glass, label was right, clear, smooth oil. Got all the effects labido, stamina, strength, focus...... Only thing is my feet was always sticking out of refrigerator all the time...... Oily skin, Lil water retention, no sign of gyno was running armadex also. Very pleased with maha pharma.

T/a is hard right now with this coronavirus, but I'd order again.

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I've only ordered from this source once, but I would not hesitate to do so again.

Package was very discreet, turnaround time from start to finish was around 3 weeks.

Used Dbol to kick start a 16 week cycle, alongside Test Prop I was able to pack on 15 pounds in a matter of 3 weeks... very is to split these pills by hand. Hands down the best Dbol I have ever used, for both the mass and strength gains.

Highly recommend this source, there's a reason they've been around so long, I suppose its because of COVID-19 situation. It's just a matter of patience, but fear not. Your product will come.

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I have used 3 times now, each very successful! I was VERY skeptical of ordering online for obvious reasons (losing money, customs, bunk gear, etc, etc, etc). However, after my first shipment, I was hooked! These guys are great! Hundreds of things to choose from, all from different labs. They now even offer lab testing results on some of their gear. Awesome stuff!!!!

Communication was 100% on point. I asked several questions before my first order and the 'live chat' option was awesome. They answered all of my questions and didn't make me feel like I was being a nuisance (even though I probably was). I also used the live chat another time to fully differentiate between different vials I had ordered. All questions were answered immediately.

Packaging is discreet. All of my orders have come from different countries. All items are shipped in discreet packaging.

Test Cyp, EQ, Deca, Test Blend

Quality is perfect. Better than what I was getting in person, and I've only waited 10 days from purchase to receive the orders! Very fast! One came with signature, one came without and was in the mailbox 10 days from purchase.

I will be using them forever now. Very discreet, fast shipping, EXTREMELY well priced and all top shape gear! It's nice to finally have a source you can trust!

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Maha Pharma is the only international source I would use. Professional website with great customer service system. Many ways to contact them for support.

Arrived about 10-14 buisness days after payment was picked up. Not bad at all for being overseas. Packaging was good and contents were protected.

Kalpa is legit and obviously top notch quality. The British Dragon is very smooth. Probably the smoothest prop I have used.

Great store with wide range of variety. Professional website, any better would be like ordering from amazon lol

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Another order with Maha in the books ...customer of maha for years. None biased honest review from my past experiences with them as well as this order.

The communication was fast as usual. I sent the money on a thursday night and by Tuesday I received an email that it was picked up. I was auto-informed on every step of the process. From money pick up, to processing, and finally to the product being shipped.

The packaging was great. It came in a nondescript envelope and no one could tell what was inside. the bottles were neatly bubble wrapped and in a box, so none of the product was damaged.

Items ordered:

  • DP Clomid
  • DP Proviron
  • DP Aromasin
  • DP Raloxifene
  • DP Viagra

I love their Dragon Pharma product because they're always dosed correctly and they work.

DP's products have always been top notch I've been a maha customer for 4 years now and their line has never let me down. Pct is underway with some of the above products I ordered ..... now without getting blood tests I can say everything is going accordingly with the typical sides and signs that it is working as it should ( boys hanging low, a bit emotional, puffy nips going down, etc)

Overall experience was still reliable, safe, and fast-ish!
