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2nd cycle

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I'm looking for suggestions for my second cycle. I'm 50 yo and 6 feet tall, before my first cycle I weighed 175 with a bf%11.5.......During my cycle I went up to 185 and my bf% went down to 7.5......After completing my PCT, my weight dropped to 180 but my bf% continued to fall to 6%. My cycle was 10 weeks, 550 mgs deca per week, 325 sustanon per week, 50 mgs propiron every day, I used clomid and HCG for PCT. I'm happy with my results.....I got bigger and ,more importantly, very hard,....the only side effect was "deca dick" for about 3 weeks. Unfortunately I need to have shoulder surgery in a month to remove bone spur. It's going to mean 12 weeks out of the gym!!!! Any ideas for a second cycle after my shoulder rehab is done and I'm ready to get back to the gym?...I have a very long, lanky body, with long arms and legs...So I don't think I'll ever be "Bulky", but would like to be a bit bigger, harder and leaner. I was thinking Test E with Stanazol?? Also, should I maybe run hcg from the beginning of my cycle until the end of PCT do prevent erectile difficulties?.I look forward to your advice...attached is a pic from a month ago during my PCT.Thank you

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Any alternatives to running aromasin for the entire cycle and PCT???Axio's aromasin would run close to 450 dollars alone for this cycle....What benefit could expect from Turnaplex, a drug I'm unfamiliar with?

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 159
Posted by: pfeliks
Any alternatives to running aromasin for the entire cycle and PCT???Axio's aromasin would run close to 450 dollars alone for this cycle....What benefit couldexpect from Turnaplex, a drug I'm unfamiliar with?

Yes, arimidex is a little cheaper and can be run on cycle @0.5-1mg/day.Make sure to run the Aromasin for pct though.Turanaplex is an oral steroid that will give you good strength gains and lean mass without estrogen sides.

Any opinions expressed by gustavo77 with regards to AAS or prescription drugs (non-narcotic, as narcotic discussion is prohibited on this site) are for role playing purposes only, as gustavo77 is a fictional internet personality. In addition, please do not PM me regarding any source, purchase or sale related to AAS or prescription drugs (narcotic and non-narcotic) as I have no knowledge of these issues and do not condone the use of any drugs unless prescribed by a physician.
