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3rd Cylce

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Ok fellas, thanks for all your help previously...
1st cycle test e 500mg EQ 400mg/week
Tbol 20mg ED

2nd cycle Sustaxyl 700mg /NPP 400mg/week

I prefered the gains on the first cycle...this 2nd one i dont feel the hardness and strength as much as the first. So i was considering doing someting similar to the first. Im looking for lean solid gains im 5'11" 220 15%bf. Im thinking Id like to add an oral to this cycle, i LOVED the hardness Tbol added, course that could be attributed to the EQ as well. Anyway, just looking for suggestions! thanks for coming through yet AGAIN! Also if you could suggest the length of the cycle...long cycles dont bother me at all.

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Lean mass hardener eh bro? IMO short cycle would be best..dont get shut down to hard so that way the results stick all the better.. and tbol is the only oral that wont put on alot of bloat while still adding quality muscle..

All I noticed from taking Anavar is strength and vascularity not much quality mass unless you take that sucker above 80mg's ED which is extremely expensive.. for me atleast.

Test Prop 150mg EoD 1-8wk
Masteron Prop 100mg E3D 1-8wk
Tbol 40-60mg ED 1-6wk
Proviron 50mg ED 1-8wk

I also read about your experience with Sustaxyl im sorry to hear that bro.. did you atleast keep your shots ED to EoD?

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ya i was keeping a 3 x a week schedule, mon wed sat type split. It should have been decent enough. Its not that i HATED it, it just for me, wasnt what i was expecting. I didnt feel as strong on it as with the Test E cycle. Could have been because I was also using Tbol in the first one. Thanks for the cycle suggestion and your past experience! I appreciate it.

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Well bro.. if you run Sustaxyl again.. ever.. try it 1/2ml EoD.. 162.5mg 4 days a week is 700.. should be night and day difference..with results thats if you decide to run it again..

I got 140ml's of it for myself.. lol its gunna be a fun adventure.

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Posted by: Wheat
Im looking for lean solid gains im 5'11" 220 15%bf. Im thinking Id like to add an oral to this cycle, i LOVED the hardness Tbol added, course that could be attributed to the EQ as well.

Lean, solid gains - have you tried Test Prop?

No expert, just tossin in my thoughts...


"He who does not punish evil, commands it to be done." Leonardo da Vinci

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I have not tried prop...something to consider...can it be ran effectively with EQ? what sort of doses?

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bump for some more help ?

Gustavo? Visions? Da Fonz? Buff D?

i really do appreciate the help.
