Cool, just got my H...
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Cool, just got my HRT results back!

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I've been impatiently waiting for my results from being on HRT and finally got them today. My numbers are looking much better now on 100 mg test enat every week. Here is old T levels: Free Testosterone 19.6. Ref range 19.0-94 PMOL/L Total Testosterone 7.4 . Ref range 6.0-30 PMOL/L. Here is new T levels, 1 day after 3rd shot Free Testosterone 79.6 Ref range 19-94 PMOL/L Total Testostereone 24.3. Ref range 6.0-30 PMOL/L Sex drive is up, memory and concentration is better and I feel pumped! Thank god for Dr. prescribed test!

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You went to your doctor to get that test done? How much did it cost, PM me if you want.

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Yep, got the test done at my doctor's office. I'm in Canada so it was free for the blood work. Any doc should be okay with testing your hormone levels, it's getting the script that can be more difficult.

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TEST... Go for 150 and your all set bro!! FOX

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The lab billed me almost $500 for complete bloodwork.. ins picked up everything..

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Originally posted by ironman_845 The lab billed me almost $500 for complete bloodwork.. ins picked up everything.. Did ya get prescribed T? This has been a long process bro's getting a doctor to take my problem seriously. I'm only 30 and I've had low T levels for the last couple of years. A lot of DR's don't seem to give a shit (especially in Canada) because as long as you are in the acceptable range there is no problem. Well, I don't think any man should have to live with T levels at the bottom of the range. I've posted this comment before and I'm sure I'll post it again and that is that, it seems people are going on HRT younger and younger. Either people are becoming more aware of their T levels and demanding blood tests to identify the problem, or there is something in the environment (food/water/pollutents, etc) causing low T levels in a lot of people.

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First I was on patches, then I asked about depot and doc was like it's to inconvieniant to come in to the office eow for injects.. I asked about *teaching* me how to do my own injects and he bugged and put me gel.. got an appointment this week & I'll try to get depot again..

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Originally posted by TESTinME Did ya get prescribed T? This has been a long process bro's getting a doctor to take my problem seriously. I'm only 30 and I've had low T levels for the last couple of years. A lot of DR's don't seem to give a shit (especially in Canada) because as long as you are in the acceptable range there is no problem. Well, I don't think any man should have to live with T levels at the bottom of the range. I've posted this comment before and I'm sure I'll post it again and that is that, it seems people are going on HRT younger and younger. Either people are becoming more aware of their T levels and demanding blood tests to identify the problem, or there is something in the environment (food/water/pollutents, etc) causing low T levels in a lot of people. Congrats bro...its been a long time coming for you and I hope you get max benefits from it! But I am in the same boat as you when it comes to shitty docs. My PCP and Endo are rattled a bit because I am 24 with a exceptional build. I feel like I am being sweated about it all rather than TREATED. I have had 3 blood tests now over a month's whats the holdup?? I mean it's no wonder I am a basketcase and prescribed psych test levels are SHIT! Oh ya...I researched further my psych meds and neither are supposed to create hormonal/pituitary disturbances. But who really knows? I just am pissed because I think of all the natural gains I may have lost due to this shitty condition. If my Endo dont hit the gas on this situation I am going elsewhere. Way to go TEST...good luck FOX
