EQ vs. Deca for fir...
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EQ vs. Deca for first cycle..

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With Test E, which one would be better for a first cycle?EQ or Deca? When you tell me which one could you explain your reason behind choosing it...or would it be better to run test e by itself all together?

This topic was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Admin

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Id say deca because iv heard alot of people say deca and testE and dbol work very well together. Then again, Id use EQ because you dont need to worry about progesterone gyno.

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Well I'm going to save orals for my 2nd cycle. I've seen mixed reviews on using EQ or Deca to stack with Test for someone's first cycle...

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Posted by: w000dy
Well I'm going to save orals for my 2nd cycle.I've seen mixed reviews on using EQ or Deca to stack with Test for someone's first cycle...

People love or hate deca. Everybody pretty much says EQ works. IMHO, EQ may be a safer choice.

You plannin' way in advance ain't yaGood to go man. I was too. For 2 yrs I planned...

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I planned and researched for better than 2 years before my first "real" cycle. It was test e 500mg and eq at 400mg and a few dbol and some hgh. LOL

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I dunno, personally i dont get much from EQ but i repsond well to deca. Bout the only thing i get from EQ is elevated bp. I dont get the hunger increase like others get. BUt i do believe it has its place.

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Posted by: da_Fonz
I dunno, personally i dont get much from EQ but i repsond well to deca.Bout the only thing i get from EQ is elevated bp.I dont get the hunger increase like others get.BUt i do believe it has its place.

Da_Fonz, EQ didn't do jack for me either,,,either I got a very bad batch or the stuff doesn't work for me...I may try it once more just to be sure but I hate wasting money and time on something you think might work..At the same time that I took the BD EQ I took some Durabol 200 and it didn't work either,,, I was very disapointed...The color of the oils didn't match the color from the pic from here or from the BD website,,,I don't know it was very strange...I used 2 bottles of each EQ and Durabol 200 and nothing happened...It was very irritating because it was right before my vacation to Singapore and I wanted to look good and I got nothing for either...


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Personally, I think you will get good results either way. If you joints ache when you lift heavy then I would say Deca, otherwise I would go with EQ just because it does not cause the water gain that deca does(at least not for me).

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eq all the way it will teach you how to eat when on cycle

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Posted by: w000dy
With Test E, which one would be better for a first cycle? EQ or Deca? When you tell me which one could you explain your reason behind choosing it...or would it be better to run Test-Enth'>test e by itself all together?

Like most the people said, EQ is going be less water retention versus deca.But deca will aliviate more pain better than EQ, Its all preference.I like EQ myself, it gives better quality muscle IMO.The only thing is EQ will raise your blood pressure a little more, so if you go with EQ check your blood pressure periodically.Its definately a lot easier on your system first time around.

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Posted by: w000dy
With Test E, which one would be better for a first cycle? EQ or Deca? When you tell me which one could you explain your reason behind choosing it...or would it be better to run Test E by itself all together?

It depends on your goal....if I am bulking I find my self putting on more weight if I use deca then if I used EQ....its gived me a person boost!

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Posted by: John_Bobbit's_Unit
kwyckemynd00, how's the cycle going?

Fairly well so far, i weighed in at 222lbs as of tonight (from 213-215 after 2 weeks) and the waist isn't up too much. (I can't tell how much is bloat b/c I've never done this before) Dbol pumps are kicking in...not bad for me though. Just nice and full of blood

I'll update tonight for sure....thx for asking

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i like the way deca feels on my joints. have never tried EQ.

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Well a few months ago I kind of hurt my back doing deads....about a month after I threw the same weight on the deads as I did when I hurt my back and got it no problem. My back still does hurt from time to time so I'm thinking Deca might be better on my back than EQ what do you guys think?

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Posted by: w000dy
Well a few months ago I kind of hurt my back doing deads....about a month after I threw the same weight on the deads as I did when I hurt my back and got it no problem.My back still does hurt from time to time so I'm thinking Deca might be better on my back than EQ what do you guys think?

Woody Deca is definately better with your pain than EQ, It gives you pain free workouts most the time.But IMO I woud be carefull because it only camaflashes the pain, so be mindfull and cautious.Not that you dont know what you are doing, just looking out for you.

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