Active Member
Joined: Nov 27, 2020
Last seen: Feb 1, 2022
Topics: 1 / Replies: 9
RE: Nolvadex with 1st cycle

Posted by: tjwill68 This is my frist cycle.I'm taking 250 test enth, 200 equ per week, along with with 25 mg provironper day.Should I take nolvadex ...

2 years ago
RE: Anyone try Libostabil??

Hey Sky,This is interesting I just started researching this.....This is what I have found. "I found an administer plan for Lipostabil that say's to di...

3 years ago
RE: Seasoned users opinions?

Posted by: mr.anabolic what would you guys go with honestly-British dragon gear or the Human Grade gear like organon and norma? Just wondering which...

3 years ago
RE: Stack or not to stack?

Hey Bro,Personal I would save the T-bols for a later cycle.Just stick with the game plan of a Test-E'>test e Cycle.Watch your diet and get plenty o...

3 years ago
RE: EQ vs. Deca for first cycle..

Posted by: w000dy With Test E, which one would be better for a first cycle? EQ or Deca? When you tell me which one could you explain your reason beh...

3 years ago
RE: Acne Treatments

It would depend on the person and the amount of the Acne! But remember this - WARNING: Do some extra research on the side effects before starting any ...

3 years ago
3 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1482
RE: Boldabol 200

Posted by: sonny2 Is there a link to see what the EQ and other BD products are testing out at? To answer your question........Yes we will be po...

4 years ago
RE: Boldabol 200

Posted by: pugh Thanks Pin & England For the replys its great to have guys like you, and others, as resources for info on this GREAT site! Have ...

4 years ago
RE: Boldabol 200

Pin has given you good advice.....Just to add another point to this you can have the EQ and Test (which ever you choose) in the same syringe. This cut...

4 years ago