QV Test Enanthate a...
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QV Test Enanthate and Deca 300 Pain!

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I am five weeks into a Test deca Cycle, which will be followed by a Primo/EQ cycle. Anyway, the test has completely rendered my walking and sitting ability impossible. The test is in 10ml vials, and I have been thinking about heating up the vial in boiling water. My question, is when do I inject the test, after it cools down, or right away. Someone suggested that I float the vial in a pot of boiling water with my syringe plunged into it to hold it. Any suggestions would be welcomed. I am not a pussy, this shit destroys my quads and glutes routinely, and the QV Deca is painfull as shit to. The EQ is also by QV, so let me know if the BA is always high in their shit, and if I should heat it all to destroy it.

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I'm using QV Cyp and decca 300 together right now and its pretty much painless. I've used the enanathate before, which was more painful but not that bad for me... maybe its the specific lot you have. YOu can try running the barrell of the syringe under hot water for about 3-4 minutes before you do the injection... this will in theory heat up the gear and evaporate off some of the BA out from the syringe. It seems to work for me. You should also massage the area and use a heating pad or hold the injection site under hot water while taking a shower, after you do the shot.

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i am 12 weeks into a all qv cycle deca 300 prop 100 cyp 200, i mix them together and never had a prob, but the prop alone jacks me up for 2 days or so, just part of the routine, imo id run it under water and avoid the boiling thing!!

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the 50ml bottle IS painful..the 10 mls not really. I started heating it just under hot tap water and it improved a lot. Would not boil it in the syringe because of rubber and plastics. I inject right away. The Equipoise will make it a lot less painful.

Quiet E.
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i use QV stuff also...i've come to learn that when u inject s-l-o-w-l-y, it hurts less...i put the test and deca in the same syringe and consume it slowly...try it. Quiet E.
