Sick Of The Bullshi...
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Sick Of The Bullshit

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I dont mean to offend anyone, but i must say i am getting very tired and sick of reading a bunch of threads about drugs and porn. Yeah it's fun to see porn and pics of beautiful women, but it's gooing too far. Also the threads about drugs and shit have to stop. This isnt a board for junkies, crack heads, and nymphos. Everytime i read about people smoking weed and all the shit they take it makes me sick, sick that you would think of yourself as a BB or an athlete. Partaking in that kind of behavior is destructive and only pulls you further away from achieving your goals, and it has no place on this board. There are alot of you that REALLY need to get some help and i hope you realize this, and get yourself some help. Sorry to upset anyone, but this is how i feel. Sal

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Well I can say F*ck you I dont need any help. I smoke a little pot and take a roll maybe once a month and I dont think that is going to affect my gains in the least. I never smoke pot until im through with work/working out and I dont need help. Maybe you need help becuase those AS a really messing your body up right? Just becuase big bubba says people that smoke pot need help does not mean they do. You need to get off the TV drug its putting you in a box that is worse then anything a chemical will do to you.

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Not upset at all Sal, but I sure disagree. The porn on Anabolex has almost become a tradition. I aways sneak a peak, even though I'm really not into porn at all. The off topic banter, whether it's about sex or mind altering drugs helps give the board it's personality and flair. I don't use any recreational drugs, but I like to hear from people who do, just to get a little insight about people who drive a different road than I do. As far as people who use drugs can't be classified as athletes, that's just not the case. Lots of athletes use drugs, even the highest performing ones. Most people here are not copetitive bodybuilders, they probably just want to look better nekkid. So indulging in recreational drug use isn't pulling them away from their goals very much at all. But I gotta say Sal, I know where you are coming from. I don't get stoned, I don't whore around, and I am trying my damndest to be a competitor. I guess the diff is that it doesn't really bother me to see people doing things I would never do.

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I don't mean to offend either Sal, but if you don't like it, why hang around? It's like a radio station. If you don't like what they're playing, change the station.

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...if the porn bothers you,up that test dosage bro!!!

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I do hear and understand what you are saying. For this reason, some posts that are off topic to a large degree will get removed, as will a thread like "should I try crystal meth?" Some points to consider Sal, and please do, even if you disagree, this is fine. In the new format, posts don't get approved, so if we were to be tight-arsed and try to REALLY tightly regulate everything, we'd need to get paid six figures to justify our time! lol Also, with regards to drugs - I DO see your point, no doubt at all. BUT this is also the member's board to a large degree, and it seems like a lot of members, along with their bodybuilding, want access to info on occassion about rec drugs and so forth. If it came to a point about researching them, then yes this should be done elsewhere. If it's some bodybuilders chatting about something they do AS WELL as bodybuilding, then I don't see a HUGE problem with it, only insofar as it is for their benefit and the talk doesn't degrade to insults, slangings or misinformation (or pro-drugs). I do know a LOT of bodybuilders do indulge in these things, right or wrong, and that goes for the top pros too - so to deny it is a part of our culture would be silly. Well, not that is a part of our culture actually, but rather that our culture is NOT immune from the more widespread pervasion of the rec drug culture and rec drug use. So to this end, this is why I personally allow many to chat about their experiences or opinions, hopefully there is somethign worthwhile in it for them. As for porn.... ah-hem no comment there! lol And for off-topic, well, we'd all get real bored if all we ever talked about was "I had the BEST injection last night" lol Nah, but you see my point of view? Of course, this is just MY opinion, the other mods and Admin may have different opinions, which I won't stand for! lol Well, it's all personal is what I'm saying, so let some people be maybe and if you don't agree with their lives, be thankful you are not they. IronMike

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can anyone tell me if drinking 15 beers a night will affect my Dbol cycle????????j/k i agree with sal, i'm also getting a little tired of the rec. drug questions. as with all questions, most can be answered with research. some o/t questions definitely keep the board interesting though.

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sal i agree with you bro, i could never harm my body with anything. But i think the off topic stuff is fun and makes the board easy reading. -BIGwolf

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I agree with you all, i just wanted to post my view on the topic. I have seen many freinds take the wrong path and had one die from drugs. As a result whenever i hear about all the drugs i get a chill down my spine.....Thanks for understanding. Sal

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Originally posted by Sal I agree with you all, i just wanted to post my view on the topic. I have seen many freinds take the wrong path and had one die from drugs. As a result whenever i hear about all the drugs i get a chill down my spine.....Thanks for understanding. Sal Likewise Sal, too many to even think about actually, both friends and family. Should never be something to enter into lightly, and as I said on another thread, "if you wanna play, you gotta pay" and those who play will. That is the ONLY thing one can be sure of. If you are willing to pay the price, so be it! (this goes with anything in life) IronMike

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Hey all, the porn doesn't bother me (frankly I like it 😉 but i'm a bit of a perv... However, the recreation drug stuff does kinda concern me. Like it or not we have a lot of kids here (late teenagers), and the recreational drug stuff *HAS* to draw the scrutiny of law enforcement. While AS is illegal, it's not addictive. Just about all recreational drugs are. I don't personally like the idea of youngsters (teenagers and kids in their early 20's) thinking that recreational drugs are safe and/or okay. Plus the added scrutiny of law enforcement because of the Oxy, Ketamine, etc. threads makes me very uneasy. For those of you who suggest that I just "switch off" Anabolex, I'll tell you why I won't. I stay because it's my home board. I've made friends here. My opinion is as valid as anyone elses. So while I don't agree totally with Sal, I unconditionally support his right to express his opinion (which was expressed intelligently and maturely). Late, F1

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I want to keep this as short as possible. I have been a member of anabolex for probably 3-4 years at the very least. I have noticed that these off topic posts come and go. One month everyone is talking about God, and the next month people are talking about the possibility of hyperplasia, the next people are rambling off about Adam Ramseys latest photos. Second, I don't visit the off topic threads that much anymore, as I have more valuable things to do with my time, however, in the past I use to enjoy them a lot. Its a nice escape from the girlfriend or work. Third, notice that off topic threads usually have more views that bbing threads. What I am trying to say is that these topics would not be discussed if the majority of people didn't want to see them. However, one problem that I have with recreational drug threads is the heat they generate. God knows how much this board already has, why bother have more?

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Hell the small talk we have here about illegal drugs isnt going to draw scrutiny from law enforcement now this place will: That will definately get the laws attention.

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If the porn etc really bothers you so much, don't open the thread. You can pretty much tell what a thread is about by the title. It isn't like you're opening threads titled "Late breaking news about Testosterone safety" only to find a porn pic. The fact is, you have the power to avoid opening threads by reading the title.

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IMO, the rec drug threads could cease too, but, I'm a big believer in freedom of speech so..... Now, the porn, no wonder we like it, half of us at any time have 3 times the test in our systems as a normal guy, and damn it, we're horny!!! OT threads, I enjoy reading them, sometimes I learn from them also. Hey DATA, where ya been, haven't seen you post in months bro? -bull

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