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Test 400

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Has anyone else used this? I'm runnin a little over 500 mgs/wk. It contains prop, enth, cyp. Has anyone experienced the painful site after injection for a few days with a lump associated. I've used other test compositions and this one seems a bit different. Should there be the bruise? I understand that prop. gets a little lumpy at times on the site.

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yea, I ran t4 at 800mgs a week and yes the injections freakin hurt. Just make sure you rotate injections. I used a little deca in the same syringe to help ease the pain. If anything inject a little and move somewhere else and finish. Otherwise have fun sitting

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Thanks guys for the info. Will someone mail me and let me know where I can find out more about it?

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On here bro

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I'm still looking for any info on this stuff that you guys can give me. This is my third cycle but first with this stuff. After the lump is gone is it cool to inject on my scheduled day? Or if there is still a lump is it still cool to inject? Any help is greatly apprec. Thanks guys.

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ahh, the dreaded, crippling effects of T400!

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So in hindsight shizzo was it a good cycle or did the detriments outweight the benefits?

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i've ran it twice, once 800mg/week, then 1000mg/week. it can hurt like a bitch. I ran it with Dbol and omnadren. I felt the gains outweighed the pain. like someone mentioned, make sure to rotate injection sites. the worst for me was in the glutes. good luck.

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the lump is normal and so is that freeking crazy ass pain.... i was only able to stay on for 6wks at 400mg a week cuz after the injection day it made me supper sick for 3days in a row , every week... i did gain 12lbs on those 6weeks..but i will never use t400 agine or any other VET las two vet gear cycles sucked made me supper sick so i saide screw it .. only human grade shit goes into my cycles from now on...

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it's not even worth it... stay small. 🙂

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T-400 is good shit be easy with it and it hurts like a bitch so cut it with some EQ or Deca

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The stuff works great....yes use EQ with it and that is a great stack you will not be disapointed! Promise!

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T400 worked good for me,granted it was my first cycle,so anything would have produced results probably...but I used to keep a pillow in my car to sit on after shooting glutes...I felt like such a fag.:biglaugh: Dunno if it was cuz of the gear or what,but I know people that have gotten abseses (sp.?) from T400...

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but why use t400 unless it is the ONLY test you can get. It seems like it isn't worth it. I'm using homemade prop at 100mg/ml, yeah I have to shoot it 150mg eod but I would rather shoot more than less with a higher concentration of BA. And my prop is PAINLESS.
