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Posts: 31

Hello bros.. I checked my test levels.. And my test is low.

Ref. Valous (1,60-8,70) : I had 2,53

what can be the best option for raise my test levels? I see greats works of bros, with Novadex xt... But i read this product can be positive.... Thanks bros..

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Re: Test

Posted by: zankete
Hello bros.. I checked my test levels.. And my test is low.

Ref. Valous (1,60-8,70) : I had 2,53

what can be the best option for raise my test levels? I see greats works of bros, with Novadex xt... But i read this product can be positive.... Thanks bros..

Have you considered visiting a Dr. and working with him/her to devise a plan. Low test is a medical condition, is it not?

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i am pretty sure that any RX or OTC product that will have a meaningful impact on your Test is banned. now if you were missing a leg and used a Cheetah, you'd be fine. if you have a naturaly occuring chemical imbalance you are SOL.

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Posts: 31

Hello bros. My test is low for km km km km km km .... I dont know one resistence atlhete with natural high test. The hard training reduced the test. I like to me incrementase my test to 4-5 (In this moment is 2,53) ... Of this form incrementase my recovery ,intensity, .... Novadex RX have a component prohibit? one capsule can be a good option for raise my test...

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Please Realgains.. I like to me know your opinion.. You have a great results with novadex... Please bro.

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There are plenty of others around here that have had very positive results with Novedex XT. Such as myself!

I believe that it is a good place to start if you want to increase T. No needles, no fluctuating levels, no shutdown, no major side effects(that we know of so far), and no PCT required, no customs risk. Try it out and see if it works for you. My bet is that it does. If it isn't what you are looking for then try other more complicated options after such as a SERM or pure T, or go to an HRT doc.

Novedex XT has been a godsend for me. My T was desperately low, I didn't feel good on SERMS and suffered some side effects, and I didn't want to do self administered TRT yet.

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Posts: 31

Thanks Max.. But i read this product have one doping agent.. .I read in other post.. I see the works of the bros, and Novadex can be the best option.. But .. if you are tested?

I am thinking use novadex only in my stage training.. hard training.. But i dont know if the sustanza(baned) have one detection time long or short.. Please bros.. any opinions..

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The banned sustanza is tetrahydropyranol

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is that on the label? cause remember that nutritional supplemens sometime put banned stuff in without writing it as an ingridient.

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It is on the label. The label also states that taking this product could result in a positive drug test.

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I am stopping this stuff for awhile. my weight is up 10lbs and guys are all asking if I am working out. I am a cyclist so this is not good news. my weight jumped from 185 to 194(today). I am going to get back to 185 starting today.

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