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Should I be taking cialis or viagra?

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Basically I'm looking for a drug that will force blood flow into my penis and that will maintain a hard erection because when it comes down to the first time with any girl, I can't get it up. The times I have had sex, it was flaccid when I put it in, then I have had no issues with anything after that, with the same girl btw. I was having sex 3-5 times a day with no issues after that first time, and my sex drive was vicious, if any of those girls gave me a look it was up and then took care of business

Btw: I know my problem is psychological, but I don't want to be dating every girl i have sex with, sorry if that sounds pig headed and assholeish, but it's quite embarassing when your in the moment and you can't get it up and you have to explain to her that it's just not going to happen tonight..

please help

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It works good for me.

There are certain meds that clash with ed meds. so study up to make sure you are not on any of those.

But I would give viagra a try.

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CM you have to get the head on your shoulders squared and right first! Both viagra and cialis will only work if you have an erection. There needs to be a arousal in order for theses drugs to do anything. Have you spoken with your doctor about this? It may sound strange for a man to admitt this to his doctor, but they have heard many things before. And especially a E.D. problem. IMO save your money until you talk wit your primary doctor first bro!

Then afterwards go with the cialis!

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Posted by: BoomShaker
CM you have to get the head on your shoulders squared and right first!Both viagra and cialis will only work if you have an erection. There needs to be a arousal in order for theses drugs to do anything. Have you spoken with your doctor about this? It may sound strange for a man to admitt this to his doctor, but they have heard many things before. And especially a E.D. problem. IMO save your money until you talk wit your primary doctor first bro!

Then afterwards go with the cialis!

I have spoken to a urologist, and he said that it's all psychological, which I already know.Then i got pissed because the bill was a fuggin joke so i didn't want to go back...I will talk my regular doctor and see what he thinks though.
I wish I could force an erection though, it would make things much easier.
Thx for the info boom, and if anyone else knows any more info, please post..!


El Mucho
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On a wierd side note. Yohimbe can be used to increase blood flow to your Johnson, but there is a very rare disorder that can happen if you use it while taking an anti-dht/androgen like finasteride or Dutasteride. I'm not sure what the name of the disorder is, but it causes the person to get a permanant erection. The case that I read about happened to a 22 year old college kid. He took yohimbe because he figured he would try it with his girlfriend, and he ended up having an erection for 6 weeks. Doctors inserted tubes into the corpora cavernosa (the main veins) and drain the blood by hand. After that, he was left completely and medically unable to get an erection again for the rest of his life. After reading that story, I will never screw around with ED drugs unless I absolutely have to . It's extremely unlikely that this problem would happen, but I love my penis way too much to play russian roullette with the little guy.

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There is a drug for your condition... it triggers desire,,, its expensive too... but for the life of me I can't remember the name... if you search for Erectile Dysfunction you may find it... I think it starts with a C .... Its not like Cialis, Levetra or Viagra and its not a herbal product...


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

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well bro ive not had the exact problem as you,,,seems the first time with a new girl they wanna call me the minute the 2nd to 3rd big o, came ok,,,,but after i turned 30ish,,i started to notice after the 2nd big o,,i wanted to sleep,,,i started using something called horney goat weed... sounds funny bro i know,,but my princess will tell you that it works well for me..fact i think the bottle under the tree wrapped in paper is a years supply... imao....godd-luck bud

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Posted by: Visions
There is a drug for your condition... it triggers desire,,, its expensive too... but for the life of me I can't remember the name...

PORNO???? (just a guess)

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Posted by: BoomShaker
PORNO???? (just a guess)


"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son."

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Posted by: Pureblood

On the serious side,I'd definitley speak to a regular MD before fooling around with any chemicals,but if it's a phycological thing,you probably need to learn to relax,and not worry about it cause you'll put yourself under too much pressure.Have a couple of drinks and try dating a few girls that aren't really hot...It might help you out...I'm usually alot more nervous when the girl is a total hottie,but if she's a 2am kinda girl,I'm usually not really worried about it.
Yes I'm terrible(I know this).

"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son."

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Posted by: Pureblood
On the serious side,I'd definitley speak to a regular MD before fooling around with any chemicals,but if it's a phycological thing,you probably need to learn to relax,and not worry about it cause you'll put yourself under too much pressure.Have a couple of drinks and try dating a few girls that aren't really hot...It might help you out...I'm usually alot more nervous when the girl is a total hottie,but if she's a 2am kinda girl,I'm usually not really worried about it.
Yes I'm terrible(I know this).

Lolz well thx for the advice, and I'll try to date a ugly girl, but first i need a genxxl paper bag..

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take viagra the half life is only 1hr more easier to control ---Cialis last to long you will have orthostatic hypertension for to long --can cause problems with heart---Viagra is much better from a clinical standpoint---

El Mucho
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It's definately psychological. Maybe you should date a girl for a little while. Maybe that will help you forget about it and you can move on. Just don't take the relationship too seriously. Maybe you could even find a girl that's into freaky swinger stuff. I've had a foursome with three girls though, and I didn't like it nearly as much as I thought I would. It's enough pressure trying to get one girl off, but trying to get three girls off at the same time is too much. Anyway, the key to solving the problem is to just put it behind you, but that's a hell of a lot harder than a physical problem where you can just take a pill and it's gone.

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Posted by: Visions
Some porn stars take some type of shot directly in their penis with a tiny needle, but I don't know the drug they use

The two injectable forms are Caviject and Muse,,, but you must be one crazy MOFO to inject your personal area with a needle, OUCH!

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Posted by: BoomShaker
The two injectable forms are Caviject and Muse,,, but you must be one crazy MOFO to inject your personal area with a needle, OUCH!

Glad I don't need this!!!...,6340,6341,6205,6337,6338&nonpres=0&schAlt=&rec=ac t" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">


Wanting to avoid negative sides?

Thinking of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, called TRT? ...

You've come to the right place for that type of questions...


Asking me where to buy or anything about purchasing steroids will first get you a warning then banning if that type of questioning continues... No exceptions! Don't even joke about it!
