El Mucho
El Mucho
Joined: Jun 11, 2019
Last seen: Feb 14, 2024
Topics: 1 / Replies: 57
RE: British-Dragon.org Reviews

British-Dragon.org has always been a one stop shop. Having just about anything you can think of or will ever need in this sport.Best communication and...

5 months ago
RE: Lean bulking with tbol....

I'd run the cycle for 4-7 weeks. Oral steroids give fast results and then they sort of lose their kick. If you use them for too long then you just put...

2 years ago
RE: last s-plex question I SWEAR!

Posted by: Tikaelkcin i HATE your new avatar btw!lol But it makes me look smart.

2 years ago
RE: last s-plex question I SWEAR!

Unless you're able to test the vials that you've been using, I think it would be best to just assume that it's dosed at the amount it says it is. So i...

2 years ago
RE: Testosterone Blood Levels

I'm pretty sure all anabolic steroids will show up as having high Testosterone on a blood test because they change your hormone levels and ratios.

2 years ago
RE: orals

You can do short oral only cycles so long as you know how to do them. You do need to do a lot of research first though because Methanoplex and Napoism...

2 years ago
RE: Test Enth. Norma

I'd say it's the best test e there is. I've ran Galenika too, and it wasn't nearly as clean as the Norma.

2 years ago
RE: Optimus Pharmecuticals????

Optimus and Stratos are both underground labs. I'm pretty sure the Stratos is good stuff because I've heard of people using it before, but I'm not as ...

2 years ago
RE: Currenty using Primo/Prop/Winstrol, but...

No, don't use the Deca. Just finish with what you have left of the Prop and winny and then start your PCT when those are finished. You could cut the c...

2 years ago
RE: Decca to Keep Gains??/

I've heard of using Primo and Mast at the end of a cycle to keep gains, but not Deca. I've used Primo a few times at the end of cycles and it really d...

2 years ago
RE: Npp

I'd only use 1/2 a ml every two days if you're only looking for the healing benefits. Doctors usually only prescribe 50mg of Nandrolone per week when ...

2 years ago
RE: Kick-start Dbol Question

I wouldn't recommend adding Dbol at the end of a cycle because it can boost estrogen. Granted that you can take an AI to lower the estrogen, but I'd s...

2 years ago
RE: Short oral cycle. Thoughts.

Posted by: bigwasserman I have never taken clen, but have heard it is great to add to a cutting cycle.But, I have taken plenty of the over the count...

2 years ago
RE: Short oral cycle. Thoughts.

Weeks 1-6: 50mg Tbol (ed)Weeks 1-10: 2-3 tabs of Liv-52 before bed (ed)PCT: 100mg Clomid for 2 weeks or 25mg of Aromisin for 25 days or more*Use the C...

2 years ago
RE: switching from test e to test c??

Test C gives me really good pumps and huge muscle gains. Test E gives me good pumps but it made my dick shrink 3 inches, I grew a nipple on the back o...

2 years ago
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