Kick-start Dbol Que...
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Kick-start Dbol Question

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Is there a reason why it's popular to add Dbol at the start of a cycle? Does it matter if it goes in at the end instead?
I've read that you need to watch the strength boost as this can cause tears, injury and the like so wouldn't it be better toward the end of a cycle when your body has adapted to a heavy load? If you take my meaning.
Obviously i'm not arguing against years of use and experience, just curious really, does anyone add Dbol at the end of a cycle?

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El Mucho
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I wouldn't recommend adding Dbol at the end of a cycle because it can boost estrogen. Granted that you can take an AI to lower the estrogen, but I'd still suggest using something like Tbol, Var, or winny at the end. The idea is to cause an immediate increase in size and strength with the Dbol, then keep and increase those gains with an injectable, and then maybe use something like Winny at the end to help lower the estrogen while continuing the gains before you go into PCT. The goal of PCT is to get estrogen low so your body starts making it's own testosterone again, so using something that increases estrogen right before PCT would be a little counterproductive.

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Yeh i see your point Elmucho. Hey i still got alot to learn eh!
Thanks for clearing that up

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I just ended a cycle with dbol at the end, haven't had any issues with recovery, but I ran Adex on cycle the whole time. I like to sometimes start and end a cycle with dbol or drol, works out nicely IMO.

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alot of people use orals or short esters as a kickstart is because you see gains much faster while your waiting for your other longer estered gear to kick in...i like a jumpstart for my cycles and i too have used it at the end like the last two weeks say week 8 of a ten weeker and i go till week 12 and start my pct approx 2 days after my last oral while the longer estered gear clears my system.

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Posted by: irishpride0769
alot of people use orals or short esters as a kickstart is because you see gains much faster while your waiting for your other longer estered gear to kick in...i like a jumpstart for my cycles and i too have used it at the end like the last two weeks say week 8 of a ten weeker and i go till week 12 and start my pct approx 2 days after my last oral while the longer estered gear clears my system.

That's interestin IP.Did you use AI alongside the oral 2 weeker or just ride it out til PCT time?
Just wondering, i've a load of letro hidden... in an old sock, behind the cupboard lol

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Posted by: ironclad
That's interestin IP.Did you use AI alongside the oral 2 weeker or just ride it out til PCT time?
Just wondering, i've a load of letro hidden... in an old sock, behind the cupboard lol

I know the answer was directed towards IP, but I run my AI throughout my cycles now, so as to avoid the pumpkin head I got from all the retained water.

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running an AI cant hurt and bump what tik said it really does help with the water retention, i tend to not hold lots of water so i dont really run AIs unless it becomes an issue but i always always always keep them on hand...

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I most always kick start in the 1st six weeks of my cycle with dbol/drol, the only time I put more at the end is if the competition is up coming..

