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Pls Help Me- I Need To Know How To Lose Body Fat???

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What's the quickest way? I feel like I'm walking in darkness with it at the moment, not sure what to do, where to go, how to do it. I've only ever dieted down once and that was for 3.5 months with minimal results! I'm starting to think that without some specific fat reducing drugs, there is little point, as per my previous experience and my current experience which is showing very small results, if anything. Sanctum has had far better results than me and he is like 15 years older. I was under the impression that since I had to eat SO MUCH to gain the weight that i did, that all i would have to do is cut some calories and carbs and add aerobics and the fat would come off easier??? Well that doesnt appear to be happening. And I would dare not go on some kind of a keto diet (yet) less i can see some good fat loss first . It also appears that not only do i have trouble gaining weight, but losing it as well. Could this be a thyroid problem??? That a certain supplement could help with? I am going to bed hungry often too so as not to have excess calories hanging about at night. I have reduced my total meals (including shakes) from 6 to 7 a day to 5. I have reduced carbs (but certainly not eliminiated them) and reduced calories (not by a whole lot as i dont want to wither away to nothing) and been doing some cardio nearly every day or night for about 25 to 30 mins (not long i know but I dont wanna be killing myself just yet if i can't show some potential to lose). And Im doing a number of higher rep sets with some exercises (like sets of 15) in my w/outs and that's kicking arse! What would some of youse suggest? If you're thinking some drug assistance is in order here then so am i. I'm trying to keep a fine balance between BF loss and LBM maintenance. Anyone can just lose weight, I shed 10 kgs in a couple of weeks after i injured my left knee in 2000, but i just shrunk! :biglaugh: Really appreciate some help here.

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narly went cross eyed reading the colourful post ๐Ÿ˜€ had to highlite the bloody thing pace, u need to figure out wat your caloties are for maintaining weight first, then reduce it by at least 500cals, over 7 days that equals 3500 cals , a whole kilo of fat then u need to decrease carbs during specific times of the day except post trainning,(dextrose) will replenish your energy and glycogen stores allowing u to rebuild muscle and sparing the muscle u already hav drink as much water as possible., ure body burns more fuel if its hydrated eating sevral meals a day so as to keep your metabolisim ticking , if u are under fed and hydrated your metabolisim slows dramatically and therefore it will be harder to lose weight and hav enuff energy to train if u weant to use "special " supps i dont really want to comment on it as i dont knw wat u hav done thus far i would go with clen 2 wweks on 2 weeks off , then an ECA stack on the weeks off , gradually increase the dose of clen so u see how ure body reacts, ..... wen doing cardio , most weight loss programs recommened morning before b/fast , id recommend this too as u are still fasted therfore relying on fat to fuel your workout, but i would drink a protein shake 1/2 hr prior to keep muscles fed so as that u dont use lean muscle as fuel keep heart rate at 65% of max heart rate , this keeps the thermogenic capabilities of ure body tikking evenly and consistantly, vary your cardio eg,,,walk., treadmill, bike ride , excercise bike, , so as that your body does not get used to ure routine an therfore stop gainning results in the gym do as u do , building any extra lean mass will lower body fat naturally keep the protein high, cause on a low carb diet u may find too be lacking energy and therfore ure body will use lean muscle as fuel so hopefully extra protein will counteract this problem ahh id like to write more but i want to knw if im making any sense? and if its decent info,,,,man really my fingers just hurt LOL ๐Ÿ˜€ , i dont wnt 2 be tired b4 i go out.. TEST btw,, ure first dramatic drop in weight wll probably be water , then the fat burning begins to kik in ๐Ÿ˜‰

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man do boxing (sparing/bag) great cardio and cuts up ure side obliques and whole upper body

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Im doing animalbolics style diet, while using t3/clen/tren/prop/winny. Do walking everying morning, train weights mon/wed/fri nights, and do HIIT running every afternoon before dinner on my off days. The fat is melting off.... lost about 2 inches off my waist in about 3 weeks. Diet is obviously the most important thing. Make up a proper meal plan counting every gram of protein, carbs, fats and calories etc and stick to it. Highly recommend the animalbolics diet...

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hey step, could you please tell me a bit about it please?

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Pace, from analysing the colours in your post i can tell that your problem is way to much eastrogen in your body. How can I tell you ask? Well, this post looks like the emails I get from a lot of girls I know. And as you know estrogen = body fat! ๐Ÿ˜€

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Damn Pace, are you drinking again? I need sunnies to read your post ! 2 things Revoke Krisp Kreme Platinum member card. Have yourself banned from Burger King.

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LOL not drinking!! Now this is a good thread i like it! Test Xtreme yes you have made good sense. Thanks for ur reply there. Now anymore tricks and or/suggestions? I've had virtually no experience dieting down, in all the 15 years of bloody training! :biglaugh:

adam ryan
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me either pace why should we , i thought you wanted to look like me ๐Ÿ˜€

adam ryan
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btw why arent you fellas on msn?

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pace hav a look at the threads ive posted over at SM if u wanna go gear. to cut and grow there are diff combos there atyour disposal mate keepn it simple will reap more benifits then trying too much at once, i knw from experience....... mate cum down to AR's gym , i can try apply my uni degree and international experience matey

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we are AR :p just ignoring you LOL ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

adam ryan
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lol im talking about mr pcay and the big dog in the house !!!!wtf are yas ?

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well pace you know where i stand on fat loss, but the things that have worked for me VERY well are: fat in = fat out morning cardio b brekky cut off CARBS at 7pm (have protein instead) problems with dieting can usually be dealt with by changing the food intake, and timings. No big fat intakes at night or your just gunna hold it all Keto is sooo bad for you, i dunno why anyone who isnt competing use these diets, its not healthy and really really bad for ya, i dont care what anyone says. and yeah why arent you on MSN? get on there

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Im not on MSN cos im a bit busy doing something so im in and out of the room. These ideas are great! Keep bringing it on as I like the brain storm approach at least initially!

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