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cycle help please

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How would you set up this cycle... 1 10ml bottle of deca 300mg quality vet, 1 10ml bottle of Testoject LA 250mg, and 1 bottle of 100 25mg Reforvit Dbols... I want to get as big as possible and worry about cutting after. 5 7" 185 any comments on how results are on deca300qv n those 25mg dbols? thanks

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Get more gear if you can. Probably need a little more than that to make a good cycle and get the best gains possible

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500mg test/week 400mg deca 25mg dbol ED

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Agree on the dosages LittleWilly but does he have enough there to make an effective cycle. He would want to go at least 8 weeks wouldn't he?

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the way i was gonna do it was 1ml of 250mg test on monday and thursday 1ml of 300mg deca on monday and 50mg of dbols ed cause ive heard the reforvit are underdosed

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Originally posted by acidsk8 Agree on the dosages LittleWilly but does he have enough there to make an effective cycle. He would want to go at least 8 weeks wouldn't he? Ya he should get more gear and run the cycle 10 weeks at least. At least another bottle of test.

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wks 1-10 500mg test / 400mg deca wks 1-4 25mg dbol/ed

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Originally posted by illplaya3 the way i was gonna do it was 1ml of 250mg test on monday and thursday 1ml of 300mg deca on monday and 50mg of dbols ed cause ive heard the reforvit are underdosed you can do that i suppose. i would agree with littlewilly though

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well ill try to get more test, i have 5ml of Test Cyp qv left over from a 10ml bottle if that would help any, what anabolic or test would u throw in here, (i only get qv, some other mex shit)

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I would try Test Eth and EQ

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ive heard that deca and eq dont work when used together, i figured id run eq with winny after this cycle was over to get cut, i have enuff deca for 10 wks cause im only shooting once a week, so pretty much what i need is another bottle of test? by the way, 1st real cycle---(ive used some dbols before but it was a short cycle, i didnt take too serious)

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Sorry bout the confusion bro. I meant i would use Test Eth, EQ, Dbol instead of the test you have and Deca Oh yah and if you do run the Deca i would use 400mg/wk minimum even up to 600mg/wk

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Good luck. Test/deca/dbol is a classic cycle. i'm sure you'll be happy with the gains, assuming diet and training are top notch.

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has anyone ever heard of testoject la 250mg? or anyone know about the reforvit 25mg dbols? thanks everyone for ur help so should i shoot the deca mon and thurs like the test

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Originally posted by illplaya3 the way i was gonna do it was 1ml of 250mg test on monday and thursday 1ml of 300mg deca on monday and 50mg of dbols ed cause ive heard the reforvit are underdosed you don't have enough test to do this.. get another bottle of test and you're good to go..

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